═══ 1. Disclaimer ═══ This on-line document was generated automatically from its printed version LaTeX source. Some places in the document (especially tables) may look ugly due to the conversion program limits. These problems are being worked on and are supposed to be solved in the final release. ═══ 2. Title Page ═══ xTech Development System ISO Modula-2 Library Reference xTech Ltd, 1996 XDS software and documentation copyright (c) 1991-1996 xTech Ltd. (xTech). Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of xTech. All rights reserved. You may use the enclosed software on a single computer; transfer the software from one computer to another, provided that the software is used on only one computer at a time and that you remove any copies of the software on the computer from which the copies were made; make copies of the software for backup purposes only. XDS software and documentation have been tested and reviewed. Nevertheless, xTech makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to the software and documentation included with XDS. In no event will xTech be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or documentation included with this product. In particular, xTech shall have no liability for any programs or data used with this product, including the cost of recovering programs or data. XDS is a trademark of xTech Ltd. All trademarks and copyrights mentioned in this documentation are the property of their respective holders. ═══ 3. Input/Output ═══ The input/output library defined in this chapter provides facilities for reading and writing of data streams over one or more channels. Channels are connected to sources of input data, or to destinations of output data, known as devices or device instances. There is a separation between modules that are concerned with device-independent operations, such as reading and writing, and modules concerned with device-dependent operations, such as making connections to named files. This separation allows the library to be extended to work with new devices. The module structure of the library is depicted in the following figure. The figure will be available in the final release Channels already open to standard sources and destinations can be identified using procedures provided by the module StdChans. This module also provides for the identification and selection of channels used by default for input and output operations. The modules TextIO, WholeIO, RealIO, and LongIO, provide facilities that allow the reading and writing of high-level units of data, using text operations on channels specified explicitly by a parameter. These high-level units include characters, strings, and whole numbers and real numbers in decimal notation. The module RawIO provides facilities for reading and writing of arbitrary data types, using raw (binary) operations on explicitly specified channels. Text operations produce or consume data streams as sequences of characters and line marks. Raw operations produce or consume data streams as sequences of storage locations (i.e. as arrays whose component type is SYSTEM.LOC). The library allows devices to support both text and raw operations on a single channel, although this behaviour is not required. The module IOResult provides the facility for a program to determine whether the last operation to read data from a specified input channel found data in the required format. Corresponding to the TextIO group of modules is a group of modules STextIO, SWholeIO, SRealIO, SLongIO, SRawIO and SIOResult. The prefix "S" serves as an abbreviation for "Simple". The procedures exported from this group do not take parameters identifying a channel. They operate on the default input and output channels, as identified by the module StdChans. The module IOConsts defines types and constants used by IOResult and SIOResult. The device modules StreamFile, SeqFile, RndFile, and TermFile provide facilities that allow a channel to be opened to a named stream, to a rewindable sequential file, to a random access file, or to a terminal device respectively. The device module ProgramArgs provides an open channel from which program arguments may be read. Device specific operations, such as positioning within a random access file, are also defined by the appropriate device module. The module ChanConsts defines the constants and types used in those device module procedures that open channels. The primitive device-independent operations on channels are provided by the module IOChan. The module IOChan defines general input/output library exception values that may be raised when using any device through a channel. Device errors, such as a hardware read/write error, are reported by raising one of the general exception values, and providing an implementation-defined error number. Exception values associated with device- specific operations are defined by the appropriate device module. The module IOLink provides facilities that allow a user to provide further specialized device modules for use with channels, following the pattern of the rest of the library. NOTE: Partial implementations of the input/output library may provide modules selected exclusively from the group STextIO, SWholeIO, SRealIO, and SLongIO, normally with SIOResult and IOConsts. If any other module is provided, the module IOChan must also be provided, in accordance with the import dependencies between the definition modules of the library.  Standard and Default Channels  Reading and Writing of Data  Device-Independent Channel Operations  Obtaining Channels from Device Modules  Interface to Channels for New Device Modules ═══ 3.1. Standard and Default Channels ═══ Standard channels do not have to be opened by a client program since they are already open and ready for use. Under some operating systems they may be connected to sources and destinations specified before the program is run, while on a stand-alone system they may be connected to a console terminal. No method is provided for closing a standard channel, and the values used to identify standard channels are constant throughout the execution of the program. Default channels are channels whose identities have been stored as those to be used by default for input and output operations. Initially these correspond to the standard channels, but their values may be varied to obtain the effect of redirection.  Module StdChans ═══ 3.1.1. Module StdChans ═══ The module StdChans defines functions that identify channels already open to implementation-defined sources and destinations of standard input, standard output, and standard error output. Access to a `null device' is provided to allow unwanted output to be suppressed. The null device throws away all data written to it, and gives an immediate end of input indication on reading. The module StdChans provides procedures for identification and selection of the channels used by default for input and output operations.  ChanID - Channel identity  StdInChan - Get standard input channel id  StdOutChan - Get standard output channel id  StdErrChan - Get standard error channel id  NullChan - Get null device channel id  InChan - Get current default input channel id  OutChan - Get current default output channel id  ErrChan - Get current default error channel id  SetInChan - Set current default input channel  SetOutChan - Set current default output channel  SetErrChan - Set current default output channel ═══ ChanID - Channel identity ═══ TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId; Module StdChans The type IOChan.ChanId which it used to identify channels is reexported. ═══ StdInChan - Get standard input channel id ═══ PROCEDURE StdInChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure StdInChan returns a value identifying a channel open to the implementation-defined standard source for program input. ═══ StdOutChan - Get standard output channel id ═══ PROCEDURE StdOutChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure StdOutChan returns a value identifying a channel open to the implementation-defined standard destination for program output. ═══ StdErrChan - Get standard error channel id ═══ PROCEDURE StdErrChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure StdErrChan returns a value identifying a channel open to the implementation-defined standard destination for program error messages. ═══ NullChan - Get null device channel id ═══ PROCEDURE NullChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure NullChan returns a value identifying a channel open to the null device. NOTE: The null device supports all operations by discarding all data written to it, or by giving an immediate end of input indication on reading. ═══ InChan - Get current default input channel id ═══ PROCEDURE InChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure InChan returns the identity of the current default input channel. This is the channel used by input procedures that do not take a channel parameter. Initially this is the value returned by StdInChan. ═══ OutChan - Get current default output channel id ═══ PROCEDURE OutChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure OutChan returns the identity of the current default output channel. This is the channel used by output procedures that do not take a channel parameter. Initially this is the value returned by StdOutChan. ═══ ErrChan - Get current default error channel id ═══ PROCEDURE ErrChan (): ChanId; Module StdChans The function procedure ErrChan returns the identity of the current default output channel for program error messages. Initially this is the value returned by StdErrChan. ═══ SetInChan - Set current default input channel ═══ PROCEDURE SetInChan (cid: ChanId); Module StdChans The procedure SetInChan sets the current default input channel to that identified by cid. ═══ SetOutChan - Set current default output channel ═══ PROCEDURE SetOutChan (cid: ChanId); Module StdChans The procedure SetOutChan sets the current default output channel to that identified by cid. ═══ SetErrChan - Set current default output channel ═══ PROCEDURE SetErrChan (cid: ChanId); Module StdChans The procedure SetErrChan sets the current default output channel for error messages to that identified by cid. ═══ 3.2. Reading and Writing of Data ═══ The module TextIO provides facilities for input and output of characters, character strings, and line marks, using text operations. The module WholeIO provides facilities for input and output of whole numbers in decimal text form. The modules RealIO and LongIO provide facilities for input and output of real numbers in decimal text form. The module RawIO provides facilities for direct input and output of data, using raw operations (i.e. without any interpretation). The input procedures of the modules TextIO, WholeIO, RealIO, LongIO, and RawIO are sufficient for use where the format of the input data is known. Since, in practice, their use may be inconsistent with the format of the input data, they have the effect of setting a `read result' for the used channel. The module IOResult provides the facility for obtaining the read result applicable to the most recent input operation on a given channel. In all cases, channels are selected explicitly by passing an actual parameter of the type ChanId to the procedures of these modules. The modules STextIO, SWholeIO, SRealIO, SLongIO, SRawIO, and SIOResult provide the set of similar procedures set that operate over default input and output channels, and so do not take a parameter identifying a channel.  Modules TextIO and STextIO  Modules WholeIO and SWholeIO  Modules RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, and SLongIO  Modules RawIO and SRawIO  Module IOConsts  Modules IOResult and SIOResult ═══ 3.2.1. Modules TextIO and STextIO ═══ The module TextIO provides facilities for input and output of characters, character strings, and line marks, using text operations. The procedures of the module STextIO behave as the corresponding procedures of the module TextIO, except that input is taken from the default input channel, and output is sent to the default output channel.  ReadChar - Read a character  ReadRestLine - Read rest of line  ReadString - Read a string  ReadToken - Read a space-delimited token  SkipLine - Skip rest of input line  WriteChar - Write a character  WriteLn - Write a line mark  WriteString - Write a string ═══ ReadChar - Read a character ═══ PROCEDURE ReadChar (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR ch: CHAR); PROCEDURE ReadChar (VAR ch: CHAR); Modules: TextIO, STextIO If there is a character next in the input stream identified by cid, the procedure ReadChar removes it from the stream and assigns its value to ch; otherwise the value of ch is not defined. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if a character is read; endOfLine if no character is read, the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if no character is read, the input stream having ended. ═══ ReadRestLine - Read rest of line ═══ PROCEDURE ReadRestLine (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ReadRestLine (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: TextIO, STextIO If there is a character next in the input stream identified by cid, the procedure ReadRestLine reads a string of characters; reading continues as long as there are still characters before the next line mark or the end of the stream. As much of the string as can be accommodated is copied to s as a string value. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if s is not empty and accomodates all of the string that has been read; outOfRange if s is not empty but does not accommodate all of the string; endOfLine if s is empty, the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if s is empty, the input stream having ended. ═══ ReadString - Read a string ═══ PROCEDURE ReadString (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ReadString (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: TextIO, STextIO If there is a character next in the input stream identified by cid, the procedure ReadString reads a string of characters; reading continues as long as there are still characters before the next line mark or the end of the stream and the capacity of s has not been exhausted. The string is copied to s as a string value. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if s is not empty; endOfLine if s is empty, the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if s is empty, the input stream having ended. ═══ ReadToken - Read a space-delimited token ═══ PROCEDURE ReadToken (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE ReadToken (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: TextIO, STextIO The procedure ReadToken first skips any leading spaces in the input stream identified by cid. If the next item is a character, a string of characters is read; reading continues as long as there are still non-space characters before the next line mark or the end of the stream. As much of the string as can be accommodated is copied to s as a string value. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if s is not empty and accomodates all of the string that has been read; outOfRange if s is not empty but does not accommodate all of the string; endOfLine if s is empty, the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if s is empty, the input stream having ended. ═══ SkipLine - Skip rest of input line ═══ PROCEDURE SkipLine (cid: IOChan.ChanId); PROCEDURE SkipLine (); Modules: TextIO, STextIO The procedure SkipLine reads successive items from the input stream identified by cid up to and including the next line mark, or until the end of the stream is reached. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if a line mark is read; endOfInput if no line mark is read, the input stream having ended. ═══ WriteChar - Write a character ═══ PROCEDURE WriteChar (cid: IOChan.ChanId; ch: CHAR); PROCEDURE WriteChar (ch: CHAR); The procedure WriteChar writes the character ch to the output stream identified by cid. ═══ WriteLn - Write a line mark ═══ PROCEDURE WriteLn (cid: IOChan.ChanId); PROCEDURE WriteLn (); Modules: TextIO, STextIO The procedure WriteLn writes a line mark to the output stream identified by cid. ═══ WriteString - Write a string ═══ PROCEDURE WriteString (cid: IOChan.ChanId; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE WriteString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: TextIO, STextIO The procedure WriteString writes the string value in s to the output stream identified by cid. ═══ 3.2.2. Modules WholeIO and SWholeIO ═══ The module WholeIO provides facilities for input and output of whole numbers in decimal text form. The text form of a signed whole number is ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit} The text form of an unsigned whole number is decimal digit, {decimal digit} The procedures of the module SWholeIO behave as the corresponding procedures of the module WholeIO, except that input is taken from the default input channel, and output is sent to the default output channel.  ReadInt - Read an INTEGER value  WriteInt - Write an INTEGER value  ReadCard - Read a CARDINAL value  WriteCard - Write a CARDINAL value ═══ ReadInt - Read an INTEGER value ═══ PROCEDURE ReadInt (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR int: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ReadInt (VAR int: INTEGER); Modules: WholeIO, SWholeIO The procedure ReadInt skips any leading spaces from the input stream identified by cid, and then reads characters that form a signed whole number. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if a signed whole number is read, and its value is in the range of the type INTEGER; the value of this number is assigned to int; outOfRange if a signed whole number is read, but its value is out of range of the type INTEGER; the value MAX(INTEGER) or MIN(INTEGER) is assigned to int according to the sign of the number; wrongFormat if there are characters read or to be read, but these are not in the format of a signed whole number; the value of int is not defined; endOfLine if no characters are read, the next item being a line mark; the value of int is not defined; endOfInput if no characters are read, the input having ended; the value of int is not defined. ═══ WriteInt - Write an INTEGER value ═══ PROCEDURE WriteInt (cid: IOChan.ChanId; int: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteInt (int: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); Modules: WholeIO, SWholeIO The procedure WriteInt writes the value of int to the output stream identified by cid in text form, with leading spaces as required to make the number of characters written at least that given by width. A sign is written only for negative values. In the special case of a value of zero for width, exactly one leading space is written. ═══ ReadCard - Read a CARDINAL value ═══ PROCEDURE ReadCard (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR card: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE ReadCard (VAR card: CARDINAL); Modules: WholeIO, SWholeIO The procedure ReadCard skips any leading spaces from the input stream identified by cid, and then reads characters that form an unsigned whole number. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if an unsigned whole number is read, and its value is in the range of the type CARDINAL; the value of the number is assigned to card; outOfRange if a signed whole number is read, but its value is out of range of the values of the type CARDINAL; the value MAX(CARDINAL) is assigned to card; wrongFormat if there are characters read or to be read, but these are not in the format of an unsigned whole number; the value of card is not defined; endOfLine if no characters are read, the next item being a line mark; the value of card is not defined; endOfInput if no characters are read, the input having ended; the value of card is not defined. ═══ WriteCard - Write a CARDINAL value ═══ PROCEDURE WriteCard (cid: IOChan.ChanId; card: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteCard (card: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); Modules: WholeIO, SWholeIO The procedure WriteCard writes the value of card to the output stream identified by cid in text form, with leading spaces as required to make the number of characters written at least that given by width. In the special case of a value of zero for width, exactly one leading space is written. ═══ 3.2.3. Modules RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, and SLongIO ═══ The modules RealIO and LongIO provide facilities for input and output of real numbers in decimal text form. In the case of RealIO, real number parameters are of the type REAL. In the case of LongIO, real number parameters are of the type LONGREAL. The semantics of the two modules are the same, except that when module RealIO refers to real number values, these values are of the type REAL, and when module LongIO refers to real number values, these values are of the type LONGREAL. NOTE: The above statement is merely to avoid needless repetition of the semantics for the two modules. The text form of a signed fixed-point real number is ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit}, [".", {decimal digit}] The text form of a signed floating-point real number is signed fixed-point real number, "E"|"e", ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit} The procedures of the module SRealIO behave as the corresponding procedures of the module RealIO, except that input is taken from the default input channel, and output is sent to the default output channel. The procedures of the module SLongIO behave as the corresponding procedures of the module LongIO, except that input is taken from the default input channel, and output is sent to the default output channel.  ReadReal - Read a real value  WriteFloat - Write a real value in floating-point format  WriteEng - Write a real value in engineering format  WriteFixed - Write a real value in fixed-point format  WriteReal - Write a real value ═══ ReadReal - Read a real value ═══ PROCEDURE ReadReal (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR real: REAL); PROCEDURE ReadReal (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR real: LONGREAL); PROCEDURE ReadReal (VAR real: REAL); PROCEDURE ReadReal (VAR real: LONGREAL); Modules: RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, SLongIO The procedure ReadReal skips any leading spaces from the input stream identified by cid, and then reads characters that form a signed fixed or floating point number. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if a signed real number is read, and its value is in the range of the type of real; the value of this number is assigned to real; outOfRange if a signed real number is read, but its value is out of range of the type of real; the maximum or minimum value of the type of real is assigned to real according to the sign of the number; wrongFormat if there are characters read or to be read, but these characters are not in the format of a signed real number; the value of real is not defined; endOfLine if no characters are read, the next item being a line mark; the value of real is not defined; endOfInput if no characters are read, the input having ended; the value of real is not defined. ═══ WriteFloat - Write a real value in floating-point format ═══ PROCEDURE WriteFloat (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteFloat (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteFloat (real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteFloat (real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); Modules: RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, SLongIO The procedure WriteFloat writes the value of real to the output stream identified by cid in floating-point text form, with leading spaces as required to make the number of characters written at least that given by width. A sign is written only for negative values. In the special case of a value of zero for width, exactly one leading space is written. One significant digit is included in the whole number part. The signed exponent part is included only if the exponent value is not zero. If the value of sigFigs is greater than zero, that number of significant digits is included, otherwise an implementation-defined number of significant digits is included. The decimal point is not included if there are no significant digits in the fractional part. The following table gives examples of output by WriteFloat: ────────────────────────────────────────────── sigFigs 3923009 39.23009 0.0003923009 1 4E+6 4E+1 4E-4 2 3.9E+6 3.9E+1 3.9E-4 5 3.9230E+6 3.9230E+1 3.9230E-4 ────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ WriteEng - Write a real value in engineering format ═══ PROCEDURE WriteEng (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteEng (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteEng (real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteEng (real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL); Modules: RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, SLongIO The procedure WriteEng behaves as the procedure WriteFloat except that the number is scaled with one to three digits in the whole number part, and with an exponent that is a multiple of three. The following table gives examples of output by WriteEng: ───────────────────────────────────────────── sigFigs 3923009 39.23009 0.0003923009 1 4E+6 40 400E-6 2 3.9E+6 39 390E-6 5 3.9230E+6 39.230 392.30E-6 ───────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ WriteFixed - Write a real value in fixed-point format ═══ PROCEDURE WriteFixed (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: REAL; place: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteFixed (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: LONGREAL; place: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteFixed (real: REAL; place: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteFixed (real: LONGREAL; place: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL); Modules: RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, SLongIO The procedure WriteFixed writes the value of real to the output stream identified by cid in fixed-point text form with leading spaces as required to make the number of characters written at least that given by width. A sign is written only for negative values. In the special case of a value of zero for width, exactly one leading space is written. At least one digit is included in the whole number part. The value is rounded to the given value of place relative to the decimal point. The decimal point is suppressed if place is less than zero. The following table gives examples of output by WriteFixed: ─────────────────────────────────────────────── places 3923009 39.23009 0.0003923009 -5 3920000 0 0 -2 3923010 40 0 -1 3923009 39 0 0 3923009. 39. 0. 1 3923009.0 39.2 0.0 4 3923009.0000 39.2301 0.0004 ─────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ WriteReal - Write a real value ═══ PROCEDURE WriteReal (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: REAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteReal (cid: IOChan.ChanId; real: LONGREAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteReal (real: REAL; width: CARDINAL); PROCEDURE WriteReal (real: LONGREAL; width: CARDINAL); Modules: RealIO, SRealIO, LongIO, SLongIO If the sign and magnitude of real can be expressed in a field given by width, the procedure WriteReal behaves as the procedure WriteFixed, with a value of place chosen to fill exactly the remaining field. Otherwise it behaves as the procedure WriteFloat, with a value of sigFigs of at least one, limited to those that can be included together with the sign and exponent part in the given width. In the special case of a width of zero, the effect is as for the procedure WriteFloat with a value of sigFigs equal to zero. ═══ 3.2.4. Modules RawIO and SRawIO ═══ The module RawIO provides facilities for direct input and output of data using raw operations (i.e. without any interpretation). The procedures of the module SRawIO behave as the corresponding procedures of the module RawIO, except that input is taken from the default input channel, and output is sent to the default output channel.  Read - Read storage units  Write - Write storage units ═══ Read - Read storage units ═══ PROCEDURE Read (cid: IOChan.ChanId; VAR to: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); PROCEDURE Read (VAR to: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); Modules: RawIO, SRawIO While the stream identified by cid is not exhausted, the procedure Read reads successive storage units from that channel, and assign them without interpretation to successive components of to. The read result for the channel is set to the value allRight if items are read for all components; wrongFormat if some items are read, but not for all components; endOfInput if no items are read, the input having ended. ═══ Write - Write storage units ═══ PROCEDURE Write (cid: IOChan.ChanId; from: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); PROCEDURE Write (from: ARRAY OF SYSTEM.LOC); Modules: RawIO, SRawIO The procedure Write writes successive components of from to the channel identified by cid, as storage units without interpretation. ═══ 3.2.5. Module IOConsts ═══ The module IOConsts defines the enumeration type ReadResults used to express read results. Programs do not normally need to import from IOConsts directly, since client modules define identifiers that correspond to those defined by this module.  ReadResults - Read result identities ═══ ReadResults - Read result identities ═══ TYPE ReadResults = (* This type is used to classify the result of an input operation *) ( notKnown, (* no read result is set *) allRight, (* data is as expected or as required *) outOfRange, (* data cannot be represented *) wrongFormat, (* data not in expected format *) endOfLine, (* end of line seen before expected data *) endOfInput (* end of input seen before expected data *) ); Module IOConsts ═══ 3.2.6. Modules IOResult and SIOResult ═══ The module IOResult provides the facility for a program to determine whether the last operation to read data from a specified input channel found data in the required format. The procedure of the module SIOResult behaves as the corresponding procedure of the module IOResult, except that the read result for the default input channel is returned. NOTE: The existence of the module IOConsts allows the definition module SIOResult to be independent of the modules IOResult and IOChan.  ReadResults - Read result identities  ReadResult - Get read result for channel ═══ ReadResults - Read result identities ═══ TYPE ReadResults = IOConsts.ReadResults; Modules: IOResult, SIOResult The type IOConsts.ReadResults is re-exported. ═══ ReadResult - Get read result for channel ═══ PROCEDURE ReadResult (cid: IOChan.ChanId): ReadResults; PROCEDURE ReadResult (): ReadResults; Modules: IOResult, SIOResult The function procedure ReadResult returns the stored read result for the channel identified by cid. ═══ 3.3. Device-Independent Channel Operations ═══ The module IOChan provides access to channel operations that are provided in a device-independent manner for all channels. Device-dependent operations (which include operations for opening new channels and subsequently closing them) are defined in the definition module for each device.  Module IOChan  Module IOChan - Text Operations  Module IOChan - Raw Operations  Module IOChan - Common Operations  Module IOChan - Access to Read Results  Module IOChan - Channel Enquiries  Module IOChan - Exceptions and Device Errors ═══ 3.3.1. Module IOChan ═══ The module IOChan defines the hidden type ChanId that is used to identify channels throughout the input/output library, and provides facilities for device-independent access to operations supported by the device to which a channel is connected.  ChanId - Channel identity  InvalidChan - Get an invalid channel id ═══ ChanId - Channel identity ═══ TYPE ChanId; Module IOChan Values of this type are used to identify channels throughout the input/output library. ═══ InvalidChan - Get an invalid channel id ═══ PROCEDURE InvalidChan (): ChanId; Module IOChan The function procedure InvalidChan returns the identity of the invalid channel. NOTE: The invalid channel is a channel on which no data transfer operations are available; enquiries on the invalid channel indicate that this is the case. The identity of the invalid channel can be used to initialize variables of the type ChanId. ═══ 3.3.2. Module IOChan - Text Operations ═══ Each of the following procedures invokes a corresponding operation for the device associated with the given channel. If the associated device supports the operation on the channel, the behaviour of the procedure conforms with the given description. The full behaviour is defined separately for each device. These device operations produce a text stream. A text stream is a sequence of items, each of which corresponds either to a character or a line mark. The sequence may be empty. The text operations provided by a device module perform any necessary translation between the internal representation (as a sequence of characters and line marks) and the external representation used by the source or destination. This may involve, for example, translation to and from escape sequences used in a coded character set, mapping between the external and internal representation of lines, or the interpretation of format effectors. The interpretation of control characters is implementation-defined. The exception textParseError occurs (but need not be raised) if input data does not correspond to a character or line mark. If the device does not support the operation on the channel, it raises the exception notAvailable.  Look - Invoke Look operation  Skip - Invoke Skip operation  SkipLook - Invoke SkipLook operation  WriteLn - Invoke WriteLn operation  TextRead - Invoke TextRead operation  TextWrite - Invoke TextWrite operation ═══ Look - Invoke Look operation ═══ PROCEDURE Look (cid: ChanId; VAR ch: CHAR; VAR res: IOConsts.ReadResults); Module IOChan The procedure Look invokes the Look operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTE: If supported on the channel, the device Look operation attempts to examine the next item in the input stream for the channel identified by cid, without removing it. If the next item is a character, its value is assigned to ch; otherwise, the value of ch is not defined. res is set to the same value as the stored read result for the channel cid, this being: allRight if a character is seen next; endOfLine if no character is seen, the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if no character is seen, the input having ended. ═══ Skip - Invoke Skip operation ═══ PROCEDURE Skip (cid: ChanId); Module IOChan The procedure Skip invokes the Skip operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTE: If supported on the channel, the device Skip operation attempts to remove the next item in the input stream for the channel identified by cid. If there is no next item, the end of the input stream having been reached, the exception skipAtEnd is raised; otherwise the next character or line mark in the stream is removed, and the stored read result for the channel cid is set to the value allRight. ═══ SkipLook - Invoke SkipLook operation ═══ PROCEDURE SkipLook (cid: ChanId; VAR ch: CHAR; VAR res: IOConsts.ReadResults); Module IOChan The procedure SkipLook invokes the SkipLook operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTE: If supported on the channel, the device SkipLook operation attempts to remove the next item in the input stream for the channel identified by cid and then to examine the following item without removing it. If there is no next item, the end of the input stream having been reached, the exception skipAtEnd is raised; otherwise the next character or line mark in the stream is removed. If this is followed by a character as the next item in the stream, its value is assigned to ch, without removing the character from the stream; otherwise, the value of ch is not defined. res is set to the same value as the stored read result for the channel cid, this being: allRight if a character is seen next; endOfLine if no character is seen, the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if no character is seen, the input having ended. ═══ WriteLn - Invoke WriteLn operation ═══ PROCEDURE WriteLn (cid: ChanId); Module IOChan The procedure WriteLn invokes the WriteLn operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTE: If supported on the channel, the device WriteLn operation writes a line mark to the output stream identified by cid. ═══ TextRead - Invoke TextRead operation ═══ PROCEDURE TextRead (cid: ChanId; to: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; maxChars: CARDINAL; VAR charsRead: CARDINAL); Module IOChan The procedure TextRead invokes the TextRead operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTES:  If supported on the channel, the device TextRead operation reads at most maxChars characters from the current line on the input stream for the channel identified by cid, and assigns their values to successive components of an array variable of the character type for which the address of the first component is to. The number of characters read is assigned to charsRead. The read result for the channel cid is set to the value allRight if `maxChars = charsRead = 0' or (`maxChars > 0' and `charsRead > 0'); endOfLine if `maxChars > 0' and `charsRead = 0' , the next item being a line mark; endOfInput if `maxChars > 0' and `charsRead = 0', the input having ended.  The intention is to allow `sub-arrays' to be selected, by passing the address of a starting component within a larger array. An exception occurs, but need not be raised, if the call leads to an attempt to access a non-existent component of the larger array. ═══ TextWrite - Invoke TextWrite operation ═══ PROCEDURE TextWrite (cid: ChanId; from: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; charsToWrite: CARDINAL); Module IOChan The procedure TextWrite invokes the TextWrite operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTES:  If supported on the channel, the device TextWrite operation copies charsToWrite characters, from successive components of an array variable of the character type, for which the address of the first component is from, to the output stream for the channel identified by cid. Copying starts from the index given by offset.  The intention is to allow `sub-arrays' to be selected, by passing the address of a starting component within a larger array. An exception occurs, but need not be raised, if the call leads to an attempt to access a non-existent component of the larger array. ═══ 3.3.3. Module IOChan - Raw Operations ═══ Each of the following procedures invokes a corresponding operation for the device associated with the given channel. If the associated device supports the operation on the channel, the behaviour of the procedure conforms with the given description. The full behaviour is defined for each device module. The raw operations provided by a device module transfer data location by location with no translation or interpretation. If the device does not support the operation on the channel, it raises the exception notAvailable.  RawRead - Invoke RawRead operation  RawWrite - Invoke RawWrite operation ═══ RawRead - Invoke RawRead operation ═══ PROCEDURE RawRead (cid: ChanId; to: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; maxLocs: CARDINAL; VAR locsRead: CARDINAL); Module IOChan The procedure RawRead invokes the RawRead operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTES  If supported on the channel, the device RawRead operation reads at most maxLocs items from the input stream for the channel identified by cid, and assigns their values to successive components of an array variable of the location type for which the address of the first component is to. The number of items read is assigned to locsRead. The read result for the channel cid is set to the value allRight if (`maxLocs = locsRead = 0') or (`maxLocs > 0 and `locsRead > 0') endOfInput if `maxLocs > 0' and `locsRead = 0'  The intention is to allow `sub-arrays' to be selected, by passing the address of a starting component within a larger array. An exception occurs, but need not be raised, if the call leads to an attempt to access a non-existent component of the larger array. ═══ RawWrite - Invoke RawWrite operation ═══ PROCEDURE RawWrite (cid: ChanId; from: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; locsToWrite: CARDINAL); Module IOChan The procedure RawWrite invokes the RawWrite operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTES:  If supported on the channel, the device RawWrite operation copies locsToWrite items, from successive components of an array variable of the character type, for which the address of the first component is from, to the output stream for the channel identified by cid. Copying starts from the index given by offset.  The intention is to allow `sub-arrays' to be selected, by passing the address of a starting component within a larger array. An exception occurs, but need not be raised, if the call leads to an attempt to access a non-existent component of the larger array. ═══ 3.3.4. Module IOChan - Common Operations ═══ Each of the following procedures invokes a corresponding operation for the device associated with the given channel. The behaviour of the procedure conforms with the given description. The full behaviour is defined for each device module.  GetName - Invoke GetName operation  Reset - Invoke Reset operation  Flush - Invoke Flush operation ═══ GetName - Invoke GetName operation ═══ PROCEDURE GetName (cid: ChanId; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module IOChan The procedure GetName invokes the GetName operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTES:  The device GetName operation copies to s (as a string value) a name associated with the channel identified by cid.  The name is truncated if the capacity of s is inadequate. ═══ Reset - Invoke Reset operation ═══ PROCEDURE Reset (cid: ChanId); Module IOChan The procedure Reset invokes the Reset operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTE: The device Reset operation resets the device associated with the channel identified by cid to a state defined by the device module. ═══ Flush - Invoke Flush operation ═══ PROCEDURE Flush (cid: ChanId); Module IOChan The procedure Flush invokes the Flush operation for the device that is associated with the channel identified by cid. NOTE: The device Flush operation flushes any data buffered by the device module out to the destination associated with cid. ═══ 3.3.5. Module IOChan - Access to Read Results ═══ Higher-level data input procedures, for units such as strings and numerals, may alter the read result for a channel to indicate success or a particular kind of failure of interpretation. The result can be recovered, if necessary, by the caller of the data input procedure.  SetReadResult - Set read result for channel  ReadResult - Get read result for channel ═══ SetReadResult - Set read result for channel ═══ PROCEDURE SetReadResult (cid: ChanId; res: IOConsts.ReadResults); Module IOChan The procedure SetReadResult sets the read result for the channel identified by cid to the value given by res. ═══ ReadResult - Get read result for channel ═══ PROCEDURE ReadResult (cid: ChanId): IOConsts.ReadResults; Module IOChan The function procedure ReadResult returns the stored read result for the channel identified by cid. ═══ 3.3.6. Module IOChan - Channel Enquiries ═══  CurrentFlags - Get current flags for channel ═══ CurrentFlags - Get current flags for channel ═══ PROCEDURE CurrentFlags (cid: ChanId): ChanConsts.FlagSet; Module IOChan The function procedure CurrentFlags returns the set of flags that currently apply to the channel identified by cid, as defined for the associated device. ═══ 3.3.7. Module IOChan - Exceptions and Device Errors ═══ The device-independent exceptions raised by the input/output library are identified by the values of the enumeration type ChanExceptions:  ChanExceptions - Channel exceptions identities  IsChanException - Query exceptional state  ChanException - Query exception id  DeviceErrNum - Device error number  DeviceError - Get device error number ═══ ChanExceptions - Channel exceptions identities ═══ TYPE ChanExceptions = (wrongDevice, (* device specific operation on wrong device *) notAvailable, (* operation attempted is not available on the channel *) skipAtEnd, (* attempt to skip data from a stream that has ended *) softDeviceError, (* device specific recoverable error *) hardDeviceError, (* device specific non-recoverable error *) textParseError, (* input data does not correspond to a character or line mark - optional detection *) notAChannel (* given value does not identify a channel - optional detection *) ); Module IOChan NOTE: The detection of the exceptions textParseError and notAChannel is implementation-defined. ═══ IsChanException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsChanException (): BOOLEAN; Module IOChan If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of an exception from ChanExceptions, the function procedure IsChanException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ ChanException - Query exception id ═══ PROCEDURE ChanException (): ChanExceptions; Module IOChan If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of an exception from ChanExceptions, the function procedure ChanException returns the value that identifies the raised exception; otherwise the language exception exException is raised. ═══ DeviceErrNum - Device error number ═══ TYPE DeviceErrNum = INTEGER; Module IOChan Values of the type DeviceErrNum are used to identufy the implementation-defined error number for a chennel in the device exception handler. See DeviceError procedure. ═══ DeviceError - Get device error number ═══ PROCEDURE DeviceError (cid: ChanId): DeviceErrNum; Module IOChan The function procedure DeviceError returns the error number stored by the device module for the channel identified by cid, provided that a device error exception has been raised during an operation on that channel; otherwise the value of the call is not defined. NOTE: When a device procedure detects a device error, it raises the exception softDeviceError or hardDeviceError. If these exceptions are handled, the procedure DeviceError may be used to discover the implementation-defined error number stored by the device module for the channel that was in use when the device error occurred. ═══ 3.4. Obtaining Channels from Device Modules ═══ Separate device modules are defined that provide a program with the facility to obtain a new channel, connected either to a sequential stream, a rewindable sequential file, a random access file, or a terminal device. A request to obtain a channel is made by calling an appropriate `open procedure', in general supplying a name that identifies the source or destination to which the connection is to be made. The required input/output operations are specified using combinations of flags that are defined in terms of constants imported from the module ChanConsts. An open procedure returns a parameter of an enumeration type (exported from the module ChanConsts) that indicates the success, or otherwise, of the request. Each of these device modules defines a predicate allowing a check to be made that a given channel was opened by that module, as well as a `close procedure' that allows a program to break the connection and release the channel. Procedures are also provided for device-dependent operations, such as setting the read/write position on a random access file. A further device module is defined to allow access to the program arguments over a pre-opened channel.  Module ChanConsts  Module StreamFile  Module SeqFile  Module RndFile  Module TermFile  Module ProgramArgs ═══ 3.4.1. Module ChanConsts ═══ The module ChanConsts defines common types and values for use with open procedures. Programs do not normally need to import from ChanConsts directly, since device modules define identifiers that correspond to those defined by this module.  ChanFlags - Channel open flags  FlagSet - Channel open flags set  OpenResults - Results of an open request  The Use of ChanConsts ═══ ChanFlags - Channel open flags ═══ TYPE ChanFlags = ( readFlag, (* input operations are requested/available *) writeFlag, (* output operations are requested/available *) oldFlag, (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) textFlag, (* text operations are requested/available *) rawFlag, (* raw operations are requested/available *) interactiveFlag, (* interactive use is requested/applies *) echoFlag (* echoing by interactive device on removal of characters from input stream requested/applies *) ); Module ChanConsts The elements of the enumeration type ChanFlags identify channel flags that are specified when a channel is opened and can be obtained for an open channel. NOTE: The type ??? is used in actual calls. ═══ FlagSet - Channel open flags set ═══ FlagSet = SET OF ChanFlags; CONST read = FlagSet{readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *) write = FlagSet{writeFlag}; (* output operations are requested/available *) old = FlagSet{oldFlag}; (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) text = FlagSet{textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *) raw = FlagSet{rawFlag}; (* raw operations are requested/available *) interactive = FlagSet{interactiveFlag}; (* interactive use is requested/applies *) echo = FlagSet{echoFlag}; (* echoing by interactive device on removal of characters from input stream requested/applies *) Module ChanConsts Values of the type FlagSet are used in the calls to channel open procedures. Singleton values of FlagSet are provided for convinience. For example, read + write can be used instead of FlagSet{read,write}. ═══ OpenResults - Results of an open request ═══ TYPE OpenResults = ( opened, (* the open succeeded as requested *) wrongNameFormat, (* given name is in the wrong format for the implementation *) wrongFlags, (* given flags include a value that does not apply to the device *) tooManyOpen, (* this device cannot support any more open channels *) outOfChans, (* no more channels can be allocated *) wrongPermissions, (* file or directory permissions do not allow request *) noRoomOnDevice, (* storage limits on the device prevent the open *) noSuchFile, (* a needed file does not exist *) fileExists, (* a file of the given name already exists when a new one is required *) wrongFileType, (* the file is of the wrong type to support the required operations *) noTextOperations, (* text operations have been requested, but are not supported *) noRawOperations, (* raw operations have been requested, but are not supported *) noMixedOperations, (* text and raw operations have been requested, but they are not supported in combination *) alreadyOpen, (* the source/destination is already open for operations not supported in combination with the requested operations *) otherProblem (* open failed for some other reason *) ); Module ChanConsts The elements of the enumeration type OpenResults identify possible results of an open request. ═══ The Use of ChanConsts ═══ To save repetition in the natural language definition of the device modules, the meaning given to some values of FlagSet and OpenResults is defined here. The meaning of the other flags is given for the open operations to which they apply. In a call of a device module open procedure that has a request parameter of the type FlagSet and a result parameter of the type OpenResults: If the result is opened, the following operations are provided for the opened channel for the combinations of request flags shown: ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── read write text text input text output as defined for the device raw raw input raw output as defined for the device ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── NOTE: The supplied flags specify the minimal functionality that must be available for the open operation to succeed. Implementations are free to allow operations in addition to those specified in the request flags provided that these are reflected in the enquiry flags returned for the channel. If the result is other than opened, the channel parameter is assigned the value identifying the invalid channel, on which no input/output operations are provided. The result is chosen according to the following table: ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── wrongNameFormat if the given name is not in the format defined for the implementation wrongFlags if the given flags include a value that does not apply to the device tooManyOpen if the device cannot support any more open channels outOfChans if no more channels can be allocated wrongPermissions if file or directory permissions do not allow the request to be met noRoomOnDevice if storage limits on the device do not allow the request to be met noSuchFile if a needed file does not exist fileExists if a file of the given name already exists when a new one is required wrongFileType if the named file is of the wrong type to support the required operations noTextOperations if text operations have been requested, but are not supported by the device noRawOperations if raw operations have been requested, but are not supported by the device noMixedOperations if text and raw operations have been requested, but they are not supported in combination by the device alreadyOpen if the source/destination is already open for operations that are not supported in combination with the operations now requested otherProblem if the open failed for a reason other than the above ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ 3.4.2. Module StreamFile ═══ The module StreamFile provides facilities for obtaining and releasing channels that are connected to named sources and/or destinations for independent sequential data streams. The types IOChan.ChanId, ChanConsts.FlagSet, and ChanConsts.OpenResults are re-expored. The singleton values of the type FlagSet are declared for convinience: TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId; FlagSet = ChanConsts.FlagSet; OpenResults = ChanConsts.OpenResults; CONST read = FlagSet{ChanConsts.readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *) write = FlagSet{ChanConsts.writeFlag}; (* output operations are requested/available *) old = FlagSet{ChanConsts.oldFlag}; (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) text = FlagSet{ChanConsts.textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *) raw = FlagSet{ChanConsts.rawFlag}; (* raw operations are requested/available *) In a request to open a sequential stream, the flags read, write, old, text, and raw apply. If raw is not included in the request parameter flags, inclusion of text is implied.  Open - Open sequential stream  IsStreamFile - Query whether stream is sequential  Close - Close sequential stream ═══ Open - Open sequential stream ═══ PROCEDURE Open (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module StreamFile If successful, the procedure Open assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to a sequential stream specified by name, and the value opened is assigned to res. If write is not included in flags, inclusion of read is implied; if read is given or implied, inclusion of old is implied; a source of the given name has to already exist if the call is to succeed. If write is included, a destination of the given name has to not already exist, unless the flag old is given or implied. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. NOTE: Distinct modes in combination with text and/or raw are given by the following equivalent sets of flags:  read from an existing source: read old read+old  write to a new destination: write  write to a new or old destination: write+old  read/write an existing source/destination: read+write read+write+old ═══ IsStreamFile - Query whether stream is sequential ═══ PROCEDURE IsStreamFile (cid: ChanId): BOOLEAN; Module StreamFile The function procedure IsStreamFile returns TRUE if the channel identified by cid is open to a sequential stream, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ Close - Close sequential stream ═══ PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid: ChanId); Module StreamFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a sequential stream, the procedure Close closes the channel and assigns the value identifying the invalid channel to cid; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ 3.4.3. Module SeqFile ═══ The module SeqFile provides facilities for obtaining and releasing channels that are connected to named rewindable sequential stored files. If opened for both writing and reading, data written to the file may be read back from the start of the file. Rewriting from the start of the file causes the previous contents to be lost. The types IOChan.ChanId, ChanConsts.FlagSet, and ChanConsts.OpenResults are re-expored. The singleton values of the type FlagSet are declared for convinience: TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId; FlagSet = ChanConsts.FlagSet; OpenResults = ChanConsts.OpenResults; CONST read = FlagSet{ChanConsts.readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *) write = FlagSet{ChanConsts.writeFlag}; (* output operations are requested/available *) old = FlagSet{ChanConsts.oldFlag}; (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) text = FlagSet{ChanConsts.textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *) raw = FlagSet{ChanConsts.rawFlag}; (* raw operations are requested/available *) In a request to open a rewindable sequential file, the flags read, write, old, text, and raw apply. If raw is not included in the request parameter flags, inclusion of text is implied. Channels open to rewindable sequential files may be in input mode or in output mode. In input mode, only input operations are available, `(IOChan.Flags()*(read+write) = read)' is true, and an attempt to write over the channel raises the exception notAvailable. In output mode, only output operations are available, `(IOChan.Flags()*(read+write) = write)' is true, and an attempt to read from the channel raises the exception notAvailable. All data written to a rewindable sequential file is appended to previous data written to that file.  OpenWrite - Open sequential file for writing  OpenAppend - Open sequential file for appending  OpenRead - Open sequential file for reading  IsSeqFile - Query whether channel is open to a sequential file  Reread - Rewind and select input mode  Rewrite - Rewind and select output mode  Close - Close sequential file ═══ OpenWrite - Open sequential file for writing ═══ PROCEDURE OpenWrite (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module SeqFile If successful, the procedure OpenWrite assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to a stored file specified by name; the value opened is assigned to res. Output mode is selected and the file is truncated to zero length. Inclusion of the write flag in the parameter flags is implied. If the call is to succeed, a destination of the given name has to not already exist unless the flag old is given; if the read flag is included in the request, the Reread operation is available. The effect of a Reset operation on the channel is to truncate the file to zero length and to select output mode. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. NOTE: Distinct modes in combination with text and/or raw are given by the following equivalent sets of flags:  write to a new file: write  write to a new file or a truncated existing file: old write+old  write to a new file, need read operations: write+read read  write to a new or existing file, need read operations: old+read write+old+read ═══ OpenAppend - Open sequential file for appending ═══ PROCEDURE OpenAppend (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module SeqFile If successful, the procedure OpenAppend assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to a stored file specified by name; the value opened is assigned to res. Output mode is selected. Have to write something here. Inclusion of the write and old flags in the parameter flags is implied; a destination of the given name may already exist. If the read flag is included in the request, the Reread operation is available if the call is to succeed. The effect of a Reset operation on the channel is to select output mode. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. NOTE: Distinct modes in combination with text and/or raw are given by the following equivalent sets of flags:  write to a new or append to an existing file: write old write+old  write to a new or append to an existing file, need read operations: read write+read old+read write+old+read ═══ OpenRead - Open sequential file for reading ═══ PROCEDURE OpenRead (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module SeqFile If successful, the procedure OpenRead assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to a stored file specified by name; the value opened is assigned to res. Input mode is selected and the read position correspond to the start of the file. Inclusion of the read and old flags in the parameter flags is implied; a destination of the given name has to already exist if the call is to succeed. If the write flag is included in the request, the Rewrite operation is available if the call is to succeed. The effect of a Reset operation on the channel is to select input mode and to set the read position to the start of the file. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. NOTE: Distinct modes in combination with text and/or raw are given by the following equivalent sets of flags:  read from an existing file: read old read+old  read from an existing file, need write operations: write read+write old+write read+old+write ═══ IsSeqFile - Query whether channel is open to a sequential file ═══ PROCEDURE IsSeqFile (cid: ChanId): BOOLEAN; Module SeqFile The function procedure IsSeqFile returns TRUE if the channel identified by cid is open to a rewindable sequential file, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ Reread - Rewind and select input mode ═══ PROCEDURE Reread (cid: ChanId); Module SeqFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a rewindable sequential file, the procedure Reread attempts to set the read position of the channel to the start of the file, and to select input mode; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. If the operation cannot be performed, perhaps because of insufficient permissions, neither input mode nor output mode are selected. ═══ Rewrite - Rewind and select output mode ═══ PROCEDURE Rewrite (cid: ChanId); Module SeqFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a rewindable sequential file, the procedure Rewrite attempts to set the write position of the channel to the start of the file, to truncate the file to zero length, and to select output mode; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. If the operation cannot be performed, perhaps because of insufficient permissions, neither input mode nor output mode are selected. ═══ Close - Close sequential file ═══ PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid: ChanId); Module SeqFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a rewindable sequential file, the procedure Close closes the channel and assigns the value identifying the invalid channel to cid; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ 3.4.4. Module RndFile ═══ The module RndFile provides facilities for obtaining and releasing channels that are connected to named random access files. The types IOChan.ChanId, ChanConsts.FlagSet, and ChanConsts.OpenResults are re-expored. The singleton values of the type FlagSet are declared for convinience: TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId; FlagSet = ChanConsts.FlagSet; OpenResults = ChanConsts.OpenResults; CONST read = FlagSet{ChanConsts.readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *) write = FlagSet{ChanConsts.writeFlag}; (* output operations are requested/available *) old = FlagSet{ChanConsts.oldFlag}; (* a file may/must/did exist before the channel is opened *) text = FlagSet{ChanConsts.textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *) raw = FlagSet{ChanConsts.rawFlag}; (* raw operations are requested/available *) Channels opened by the module RndFile have an associated read/write position in the corresponding random-access file. The read/write position is at the start of the file after opening, or after a Reset operation on the channel. It is moved forward by the number of positions occupied by data that are taken from the file by an input operation, or written to the file by an output operation. CONST FilePosSize = ; TYPE FilePos = ARRAY [1 .. FilePosSize] OF SYSTEM.LOC; NOTE: The implementation-defined type FilePos has been specified in a way that enables values of this type to be read from or written to a file, while maintaining a degree of opacity for the type. A random-access file have a length corresponding to the position after the highest read/write position at which data have been written. This length is zero if no data have been written to the file. If the read/write position is set at the current length, either implicitly on an input or output operation, or explicitly by a positioning operation, the effect of an input operation is as if the input stream had ended. A write at that position, if necessary, attempts to allocate more physical storage for the file. In a request to open a random-access file, the flags read, write, old, text, and raw apply. If text is not included in the request parameter flags, inclusion of raw is implied.  OpenOld - Open existing random-aceess file  OpenClean - Open and clear random-aceess file  IsRndFile - Query whether channel is open to a random access file  IsRndFileException - Query exceptional state  StartPos - Query start position  CurrentPos - Query current position  EndPos - Query end position  NewPos - Calculate new position  SetPos - Set new position  Close - Close random access file ═══ OpenOld - Open existing random-aceess file ═══ PROCEDURE OpenOld (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module RndFile If successful, the procedure OpenOld assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to a random access file specified by name; the value opened is assigned to res. The read/write position correspond to the start of the file. Inclusion of the old flag in the parameter flags is implied; a file of the given name have to already exist if the call is to succeed. If the write flag is not included in the request, inclusion of the read flag is implied. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. NOTE: Distinct modes in combination with text and/or raw are given by the following equivalent sets of flags:  read from an existing file: read old read+old  write to an existing file: write write+old  read/write an existing file: read+write read+write+old ═══ OpenClean - Open and clear random-aceess file ═══ PROCEDURE OpenClean (VAR cid: ChanId; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module RndFile If successful, the procedure OpenClean assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to a random access file specified by name; the value opened is assigned to res. The file is truncated to zero length. Inclusion of the write flag in the parameter flags is implied; a destination of the given name has to not already exist unless the flag old is given. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. NOTE: Distinct modes in combination with text and/or raw are given by the following equivalent sets of flags:  write to a new file: write  write to a new file or a truncated existing file: old write+old  write to a new file, read operations are needed: read write+read  write to a new file or a truncated existing file, read operations are needed: old+read write+old+read ═══ IsRndFile - Query whether channel is open to a random access file ═══ PROCEDURE IsRndFile (cid: ChanId): BOOLEAN; Module RndFile The function procedure IsRndFile returns TRUE if the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ IsRndFileException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsRndFileException (): BOOLEAN; Module RndFile If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the RndFile exception, the function procedure IsRndFileException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ StartPos - Query start position ═══ PROCEDURE StartPos (cid: ChanId): FilePos; Module RndFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, the function procedure StartPos returns the position of the start of the file; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ CurrentPos - Query current position ═══ PROCEDURE CurrentPos (cid: ChanId): FilePos; Module RndFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, the function procedure CurrentPos returns the current read/write position of the file; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ EndPos - Query end position ═══ PROCEDURE EndPos (cid: ChanId): FilePos; Module RndFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, the function procedure EndPos returns the first position in the file at or after which no data have been written; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ NewPos - Calculate new position ═══ PROCEDURE NewPos (cid: ChanId; chunks: INTEGER; chunkSize: CARDINAL; from: FilePos): FilePos; Module RndFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, the function procedure NewPos returns the read/write position chunks * chunkSize places relative to the position in the file given by the value of from; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. The RndFile exception is raised if the required position cannot be represented as a value of the type FilePos. NOTE: Calculation of the position in a random access file at which to issue text operations is dependent upon knowledge of the external representation of text items in a particular file; the amount by which the read/write position is moved as a result of a text operation may vary depending upon the item that is read or written. For raw operations, the read/write position is always moved by a value equal to the storage size of variables of the type of the item read or written. ═══ SetPos - Set new position ═══ PROCEDURE SetPos (cid: ChanId; pos: FilePos); Module RndFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, the procedure SetPos sets the read/write position for the file to the position given by the value of pos; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. If the position given by the value of pos is beyond the value returned by a call of EndPos, `read <= IOChan.Flags()' is false, and a call of an input operation raises the exception notAvailable; the value of `write <= IOChan.Flags()' is implementation-defined and correspond to the availability of output operations in this case. If data are subsequently written at such a position, those positions that have not been written to are filled with implementation-defined padding values. NOTE: Setting the read/write position beyond the value returned by EndPos does not of itself affect the size of the file. ═══ Close - Close random access file ═══ PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid: ChanId); Module RndFile If the channel identified by cid is open to a random access file, the procedure Close closes the channel and assign the value identifying the invalid channel to cid; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ 3.4.5. Module TermFile ═══ The module TermFile provides facilities that allow elementary access to an interactive terminal. The types IOChan.ChanId, ChanConsts.FlagSet, and ChanConsts.OpenResults are re-expored. The singleton values of the type FlagSet are declared for convinience: TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId; FlagSet = ChanConsts.FlagSet; OpenResults = ChanConsts.OpenResults; CONST read = FlagSet{ChanConsts.readFlag}; (* input operations are requested/available *) write = FlagSet{ChanConsts.writeFlag}; (* output operations are requested/available *) text = FlagSet{ChanConsts.textFlag}; (* text operations are requested/available *) raw = FlagSet{ChanConsts.rawFlag}; (* raw operations are requested/available *) echo = FlagSet{ChanConsts.echoFlag}; (* echoing by interactive device on reading of characters from input stream requested/applies *) Channels connected to the terminal device are opened in line mode or in single-character mode. In line mode, items are echoed before being added to the input stream and are added a line at a time. In single character mode, items are added to the input stream as they are typed, and are echoed as they are removed from the input stream by a text read device operation, provided they have not already been echoed. Typed characters are distributed between multiple channels according to the sequence of read requests. NOTE: If all the channels open to the terminal are open in line mode, the terminal device operates exclusively in line mode; in that case, echoing might be performed by an underlying operating system. Similarly, if all the channels open to the terminal are open in single-character mode, the terminal device operates exclusively in single-character mode; in that case, echoing only occurs on reading from a channel and not on looking or skipping: this allows interactive input routines to suppress the echoing of unwanted or unexpected characters. If an implementation allows it, there might be one or more channels open in line mode, and one or more channels open in single-character mode. In that case, echoing is postponed until the treatment of characters can be determined according to the sequence of calls of input operations. This behaviour allows programs that use the terminal in different modes to be written in a modular fashion, there being no need explicitly to save and restore the state of the terminal device. In a request to open a channel to the terminal device, the flags read, write, text, raw, and echo apply. If raw is not included in the request parameter flags, inclusion of text is implied. If the read flag is not included in the request, inclusion of the write flag is implied.  Open - Open terminal  IsTermFile - Query whether channel is opened to terminal  Close - Close terminal ═══ Open - Open terminal ═══ PROCEDURE Open (VAR cid: ChanId; flags: FlagSet; VAR res: OpenResults); Module TermFile If successful, the procedure Open assigns to cid the identity of a channel that is connected to the terminal device. If the echo flag is included in the request, single-character mode is available if the call is to succeed and the channel operates in single-character mode. Without the echo flag, line mode is available if the call is to succeed and the channel operates in line mode. If a channel cannot be opened as required, the value of res indicates the reason, and cid identifies the invalid channel. ═══ IsTermFile - Query whether channel is opened to terminal ═══ PROCEDURE IsTermFile (cid: ChanId): BOOLEAN; Module TermFile The function procedure IsTermFile returns TRUE if the channel identified by cid is open to the terminal device, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ Close - Close terminal ═══ PROCEDURE Close (VAR cid: ChanId); Module TermFile If the channel identified by cid is open to the terminal device, the procedure Close closes the channel and assigns the value identifying the invalid channel to cid; otherwise, the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ 3.4.6. Module ProgramArgs ═══ The module ProgramArgs provides a channel from which input can be taken from any arguments given to the program. TYPE ChanId = IOChan.ChanId; The initialization of the module ProgramArgs opens the channel from which the implementation-defined program arguments may be read.  ArgChan - Get program arguments channel id  IsArgPresent - Query whether an argument is present  NextArg - Skip to next argument ═══ ArgChan - Get program arguments channel id ═══ PROCEDURE ArgChan (): ChanId; Module ProgramArgs The function procedure ArgChan returns a value identifying a channel from which the implementation-defined program arguments may be read. ═══ IsArgPresent - Query whether an argument is present ═══ PROCEDURE IsArgPresent (): BOOLEAN; Module ProgramArgs The function procedure IsArgPresent returns TRUE if there is a current argument from which to read, and FALSE otherwise. If there is no current argument, `read <= IOChan.Flags()' is false, and attempting to read from the argument channel raises the exception notAvailable. ═══ NextArg - Skip to next argument ═══ PROCEDURE NextArg (); Module ProgramArgs After the call to the procedure NextArg, if there is another argument, subsequent input from the argument channel is taken from the start of that argument; otherwise a call of IsArgPresent returns FALSE. NOTE: Provision of NextArg allows the treatment of arguments that contain spaces or line marks. ═══ 3.5. Interface to Channels for New Device Modules ═══ Additional device modules may be provided to allow the library to be used with other input sources and output destinations. These might include, for example, files opened with host-specific options or parameters or with host-specific behaviour, a windowing system, or a speech output device.  Module IOLink ═══ 3.5.1. Module IOLink ═══ The module IOLink provides facilities that allow a user to provide specialized device modules for use with channels, following the pattern of the rest of the library. A device needs to identify itself in order to allow a check to be made that device-dependent operations are applied only for channels opened to that device. To this end, values of the hidden type DeviceId are used to identify new device modules, and are normally obtained by them during their initialization by a call to the procedure AllocateDeviceId. TYPE DeviceId; A device module procedure provided for opening a channel can obtain a new channel by calling the procedure MakeChan. If a channel is allocated, but the call of the device module open procedure is not successful for some reason, the device module should release the channel by calling the procedure UnMakeChan, and return the value identifying the invalid channel to its client. A call to UnMakeChan is also made on a successful call of a device module procedure provided for closing a channel. If a call of a device module `open' procedure is successful, then by calling the function procedure DeviceTablePtrValue, a device module can obtain a pointer (of the type DeviceTablePtr) to a `device table' (of a record type DeviceTable) for the channel. The fields of this record are initialized by MakeChan, but the procedure can then change any fields of the device table needed to install its own values for the device data, supported operations, and flags. Device tables have: 1. a field in which the device module can store private data, 2. a field in which the value identifying the device module is stored, 3. a field in which the value identifying the channel is stored, 4. a field in which the read result is stored, 5. a field in which device error numbers are stored prior to the raising of a device error exception, 6. a field in which flags are stored indicating those which apply, 7. a field for each device procedure. (The fields are initialized by MakeChan to the values shown in the definition module below.) By calling the function procedure IsDevice, a device module can enquire whether it was responsible for opening a given channel. This allows it to implement a corresponding enquiry function that is exported from the device module itself. Client modules may raise appropriate exceptions; to support this facility, the type DevExceptionRange and the procedure RAISEdevException can be used. TYPE DeviceTablePtr = POINTER TO DeviceTable; (* Values of this type are used to refer to device tables *) TYPE LookProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, VAR CHAR, VAR IOConsts.ReadResults); SkipProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr); SkipLookProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, VAR CHAR, VAR IOConsts.ReadResults); WriteLnProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr); TextReadProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, SYSTEM.ADDRESS, CARDINAL, VAR CARDINAL); TextWriteProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, SYSTEM.ADDRESS, CARDINAL); RawReadProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, SYSTEM.ADDRESS, CARDINAL, VAR CARDINAL); RawWriteProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, SYSTEM.ADDRESS, CARDINAL); GetNameProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr, VAR ARRAY OF CHAR); ResetProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr); FlushProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr); FreeProc = PROCEDURE (DeviceTablePtr); (* Carry out the operations involved in closing the corresponding channel, including flushing buffers, but do not unmake the channel. *) TYPE DeviceData = SYSTEM.ADDRESS; DeviceTable = RECORD (* Initialized by MakeChan to: *) cd: DeviceData; (* the value NIL *) did: DeviceId; (* the value given in the call of MakeChan *) cid: IOChan.ChanId; (* the identity of the channel *) result: IOConsts.ReadResults; (* the value notKnown *) errNum: IOChan.DeviceErrNum; (* undefined *) flags: ChanConsts.FlagSet; (* ChanConsts.FlagSet{} *) doLook: LookProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doSkip: SkipProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doSkipLook: SkipLookProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doLnWrite: WriteLnProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doTextRead: TextReadProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doTextWrite: TextWriteProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doRawRead: RawReadProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doRawWrite: RawWriteProc; (* raise exception notAvailable *) doGetName: GetNameProc; (* return the empty string *) doReset: ResetProc; (* do nothing *) doFlush: FlushProc; (* do nothing *) doFree: FreeProc; (* do nothing *) END; TYPE DevExceptionRange = [IOChan.notAvailable .. IOChan.textParseError];  AllocateDeviceId - Allocate device id  MakeChan - Allocate a new channel for device  UnMakeChan - Deallocate channel from device  DeviceTablePtrValue - Get device table for channel  IsDevice - Query channel's device  RAISEdevException - Raise device exception  IsIOException - Query exceptional state  IOException - Query exception id ═══ AllocateDeviceId - Allocate device id ═══ PROCEDURE AllocateDeviceId (VAR did: DeviceId); Module IOLink The procedure AllocateDeviceId allocates an unique value of the type DeviceId, and assign this value to did. ═══ MakeChan - Allocate a new channel for device ═══ PROCEDURE MakeChan (did: DeviceId; VAR cid: IOChan.ChanId); Module IOLink The procedure MakeChan attempts to allocate a new channel for the device module identified by did. If no more channels can be allocated, the value identifying the invalid channel is assigned to cid. Otherwise, a value identifying a new initialized channel is assigned to cid. ═══ UnMakeChan - Deallocate channel from device ═══ PROCEDURE UnMakeChan (did: DeviceId; VAR cid: IOChan.ChanId); Module IOLink Provided the device module identified by did is the module that made the channel identified by cid, the procedure UnMakeChan deallocates the channel identified by cid, and assigns the value identifying the invalid channel to cid; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ DeviceTablePtrValue - Get device table for channel ═══ PROCEDURE DeviceTablePtrValue (cid: IOChan.ChanId; did: DeviceId ): DeviceTablePtr; Module IOLink Provided that the device module identified by did is the module that made the channel identified by cid, the function procedure DeviceTablePtrValue returns a pointer to the device table for the channel identified by cid; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ IsDevice - Query channel's device ═══ PROCEDURE IsDevice (cid: IOChan.ChanId; did: DeviceId ): BOOLEAN; Module IOLink The function procedure IsDevice returns TRUE if the device module identified by did is the module that made the channel identified by cid, and otherwise returns FALSE. ═══ RAISEdevException - Raise device exception ═══ PROCEDURE RAISEdevException (cid: IOChan.ChanId; did: DeviceId; x: DevExceptionRange; s: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module IOLink Provided that the device module identified by did is the module that made the channel identified by cid, the procedure RAISEdevException raises the exception given by x, and includes the string value in s in the exception message; otherwise the exception wrongDevice is raised. ═══ IsIOException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsIOException (): BOOLEAN; Module IOLink If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of an exception from IOChan.ChanExceptions, the function procedure IsIOException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ IOException - Query exception id ═══ PROCEDURE IOException (): IOChan.ChanExceptions; Module IOLink If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of an exception from IOChan.ChanExceptions, the function procedure IOException returns the value that identifies the raised exception; otherwise the language exception exException is raised. NOTE: A single value of EXCEPTIONS.ExceptionSource is used to identify the source of input/output library exceptions corresponding to IOChan.ChanExceptions. The procedures IsIOException and IOException are included so that this value need not be exported for corresponding procedures to be provided through the IOChan interface. ═══ 4. Mathematical ═══ The mathematical libraries provide the common mathematical functions and some constants. The module RealMath provides the constants and functions for the type REAL, while the module LongMath provides similar constants and functions for the type LONGREAL. The module ComplexMath provides the constants and functions for the type COMPLEX, while the module LongComplexMath provides similar functions for the type LONGCOMPLEX.  Modules RealMath and LongMath  Modules ComplexMath and LongComplexMath ═══ 4.1. Modules RealMath and LongMath ═══ The semantics of the two modules is the same, except that where the module RealMath refers to the pervasive type REAL, the corresponding function in LongMath refers to the pervasive type LONGREAL. NOTE: The above statement is merely to avoid needless repetition of the semantics for LongMath. The units used for angular quantities are radians.  Constants - Useful constants  sqrt - Calculate square root  exp - Calculate exponent  ln - Calculate natural logarithm  sin - Calculate sine  cos - Calculate cosine  tan - Calculate tangent  arcsin - Calculate arcsine  arccos - Calculate arccosine  arctan - Calculate arctangent  power - Calculate power  round - Round  IsRMathException - Query exceptional state ═══ 4.1.1. Constants - Useful constants ═══ CONST pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972; exp1 = 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The constant pi provides an implementation-defined approximation to the mathematical constant ╕. The constant exp1 provides an implementation-defined approximation to the mathematical constant e. NOTE: Due to the approximations involved, sin(pi) might not equal zero exactly; similarly, exp1 might not equal exp(1) exactly. ═══ 4.1.2. sqrt - Calculate square root ═══ PROCEDURE sqrt (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE sqrt (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure sqrt returns an implementation-defined approximation to the positive signed square root of x. An exception is raised if x is negative. ═══ 4.1.3. exp - Calculate exponent ═══ PROCEDURE exp (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE exp (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure exp returns an implementation-defined approximation to the mathematical constant e raised to the power of x. ═══ 4.1.4. ln - Calculate natural logarithm ═══ PROCEDURE ln (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ln (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure ln returns an implementation-defined approximation to the natural logarithm of x. An exception is raised if x is zero or negative. ═══ 4.1.5. sin - Calculate sine ═══ PROCEDURE sin (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE sin (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure sin returns an implementation-defined approximation to the sine of x. ═══ 4.1.6. cos - Calculate cosine ═══ PROCEDURE cos (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE cos (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure cos returns an implementation-defined approximation to the cosine of x. ═══ 4.1.7. tan - Calculate tangent ═══ PROCEDURE tan (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE tan (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure tan returns an implementation-defined approximation to the tangent of x. An exception is raised if x is an odd multiple of ╕/2. ═══ 4.1.8. arcsin - Calculate arcsine ═══ PROCEDURE arcsin (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE arcsin (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure arcsin returns an implementation-defined approximation to the arcsine of x. An exception is raised if the absolute value of x is greater than one. ═══ 4.1.9. arccos - Calculate arccosine ═══ PROCEDURE arccos (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE arccos (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure arccos returns an implementation-defined approximation to the arccosine of x. An exception is raised if the absolute value of x is greater than one. ═══ 4.1.10. arctan - Calculate arctangent ═══ PROCEDURE arctan (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE arctan (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure arctan returns an implementation-defined approximation to the arctangent of x. ═══ 4.1.11. power - Calculate power ═══ PROCEDURE power (base, exponent: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE power (base, exponent: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure power returns an implementation-defined approximation to the result obtained by raising base to the power of exponent. An exception is raised if the value of base is zero or negative. This function is mathematically equivalent to ?(y ?(x)) but may be computed differently. ═══ 4.1.12. round - Round ═══ PROCEDURE round (x: REAL): INTEGER; PROCEDURE round (x: LONGREAL): INTEGER; Modules: RealMath, LongMath The function procedure round returns the nearest integer to the value of x. The result is an implementation-defined selection of the two possible values if the value of x is midway between two integer values. An exception occurs and may be raised if the mathematical result is not within the range of the type INTEGER. ═══ 4.1.13. IsRMathException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsRMathException (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsRMathException (): BOOLEAN; Modules: RealMath, LongMath If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the RealMath exception, the function procedure RealMath.IsRMathException returns TRUE; otherwise the value is FALSE. If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the LongMath exception, the function procedure LongMath.IsRMathException returns TRUE; otherwise the value is FALSE. ═══ 4.2. Modules ComplexMath and LongComplexMath ═══ The semantics of the two modules are the same, except that where the module ComplexMath refers to the pervasive type COMPLEX, the corresponding function in LongComplexMath refers to the pervasive type LONGCOMPLEX. NOTE: The above statement is merely to avoid needless repetition of the semantics for LongComplexMath.  Constants - Useful constants  abs - Calculate modulus  arg - Calculate argument  conj - Calculate conjugate  power - Calculate power  sqrt - Calculate square root  exp - Calculate exponent  ln - Calculate natural logarithm  sin - Calculate sine  cos - Calculate cosine  tan - Calculate tangent  arcsin - Calculate arcsine  arccos - Calculate arccosine  arctan - Calculate arctangent  polarToComplex - Convert from polar to complex  scalarMult - Scalar Multiplication  IsCMathException - Query exceptional state ═══ 4.2.1. Constants - Useful constants ═══ CONST i = CMPLX (0.0, 1.0); one = CMPLX (1.0, 0.0); zero = CMPLX (0.0, 0.0); Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The constants i, one, and zero are the implementation-defined approximations to the specified values. NOTE: These constants are provided for convenience. ═══ 4.2.2. abs - Calculate modulus ═══ PROCEDURE abs (z: COMPLEX): REAL; PROCEDURE abs (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGREAL; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure abs returns an implementation-defined approximation to the modulus (otherwise known as the length, or absolute value) of z. NOTE: An overflow exception may be raised in this computation, even when the complex number is itself well defined. ═══ 4.2.3. arg - Calculate argument ═══ PROCEDURE arg (z: COMPLEX): REAL; PROCEDURE arg (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGREAL; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure arg returns an implementation-defined approximation to the angle that z subtends to the positive real axis in the complex plane. An exception is raised if the modulus of z is zero. ═══ 4.2.4. conj - Calculate conjugate ═══ PROCEDURE conj (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE conj (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure conj returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex conjugate of z. ═══ 4.2.5. power - Calculate power ═══ PROCEDURE power (base: COMPLEX; exponent: REAL ): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE power (base: LONGCOMPLEX; exponent: LONGREAL ): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure power returns an implementation-defined approximation to the result obtained by raising base to the power of exponent. ═══ 4.2.6. sqrt - Calculate square root ═══ PROCEDURE sqrt (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE sqrt (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure sqrt returns an implementation-defined approximation to the principal square root of z. NOTE: That is, the result is the complex number with an argument of half the value of the argument of z, and whose modulus has the value of the positive square root of the modulus of z. ═══ 4.2.7. exp - Calculate exponent ═══ PROCEDURE exp (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE exp (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure exp returns an implementation-defined approximation to the mathematical constant e raised to the power of z. ═══ 4.2.8. ln - Calculate natural logarithm ═══ PROCEDURE ln (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE ln (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure ln returns an implementation-defined approximation to the principal value of the natural logarithm of z. ═══ 4.2.9. sin - Calculate sine ═══ PROCEDURE sin (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE sin (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure sin returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex sine of z. ═══ 4.2.10. cos - Calculate cosine ═══ PROCEDURE cos (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE cos (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure cos returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex cosine of z. ═══ 4.2.11. tan - Calculate tangent ═══ PROCEDURE tan (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE tan (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure tan returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex tangent of z. An exception is raised if z is an odd multiple of ╕/2. ═══ 4.2.12. arcsin - Calculate arcsine ═══ PROCEDURE arcsin (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; PROCEDURE arcsin (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure arcsin returns an implementation-defined approximation to the principal value of the complex arcsine of z. ═══ 4.2.13. arccos - Calculate arccosine ═══ PROCEDURE arccos (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE arccos (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure arccos returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex arccosine of z. ═══ 4.2.14. arctan - Calculate arctangent ═══ PROCEDURE arctan (z: COMPLEX): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE arctan (z: LONGCOMPLEX): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure arctan returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex arctangent of z. ═══ 4.2.15. polarToComplex - Convert from polar to complex ═══ PROCEDURE polarToComplex (abs, arg: REAL): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE polarToComplex (abs, arg: LONGREAL): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure polarToComplex returns an implementation-defined approximation to the complex number that has a modulus given by abs and an argument given by arg. ═══ 4.2.16. scalarMult - Scalar Multiplication ═══ PROCEDURE scalarMult (scalar: REAL; z: COMPLEX ): COMPLEX; PROCEDURE scalarMult (scalar: LONGREAL; z: LONGCOMPLEX ): LONGCOMPLEX; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath The function procedure scalarMult returns an implementation-defined approximation to the scalar product of the real value scalar with the complex value z. ═══ 4.2.17. IsCMathException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsCMathException (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsCMathException (): BOOLEAN; Modules: ComplexMath, LongComplexMath If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of a ComplexMath exception, the function procedure ComplexMath.IsCMathException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of a LongComplexMath exception, the function procedure LongComplexMath.IsCMathException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ 5. Concurrent Programming ═══  Module Processes  Module Semaphores ═══ 5.1. Module Processes ═══ The module Processes provides a basic set of facilities for use in concurrent programs. These can be used on their own, or in conjunction with those from the module Semaphores which provide for potentially parallel parts of the program to exclude one another from regions of interaction. A concurrent program consists of a number of processes, each of which may potentially run in parallel with the others but is distinguishable from them. At any one time, a process may be in one of four states: It may be ready, that is, eligible to use the processor but not actually doing so. It may be current, that is, actually using the processor. It may be passive, that is, ineligible to use the processor until another process makes it eligible. Lastly, it may be waiting, that is, ineligible to use the processor until the occurrence of one of a set of events for which it is waiting. At all times there must be at least one process using the processor, or, if no process is eligible, there must be at least one process waiting for some external event. The relationships between these states, together with the operations that lead to a change of state, are depicted in the following figure. Operations given in parentheses are not directly invokable from a program. The picture will be available in the final release. Two general styles of use are envisaged, and both may be present in a single program. In the first style (using Switch), the model is of a set of closely coupled processes, which explicitly choose which of them is to run next, and which pass information between themselves as part of the choice. The intention is to provide a higher level coroutine-like facility between processes of the same urgency. In the second style (using Activate and SuspendMe), the processes are written to be less dependent on one another, and the choice of which of them runs is left to an internal scheduler, which is invoked whenever one process is suspended or another one is reactivated. This internal scheduler makes use of the fact that each process has an associated static `urgency', specified by an INTEGER parameter when it is first created. The scheduler ensures that it cannot be the case that a process eligible to use the processor has an urgency greater than one of the processes currently doing so. The `main process' (the parent program) is given a default urgency of zero; for other processes, the more positive the value of urgency, the more urgent is the process. Those processes that suspend themselves to wait for external events must first associate themselves with one or more sources of such events. The International Standard does not prescribe how events occur, or what the sources of events must be, other than to require that they be mapped in an implementation-defined way to values of the pervasive type CARDINAL, and to require that a source of events cannot be connected to more than one process simultaneously. NOTES:  There is no requirement that pre-emptive scheduling be employed, although an implementation is free to incorporate such scheduling if this is desired.  Although the International Standard applies to single-processor machines, if a pre-emptive (time-sliced) scheduler is present there may conceptually be more than one `current' process; the description above is phrased so as to emphasize this.  A program that uses the module Processes should not make explicit use of coroutines (except, perhaps, in the implementation of Processes itself).  This is a partial specification: Various of the procedures in the modules Processes and Semaphores have semantics expressed in terms of preconditions. Their behaviour in situations where these preconditions are not met is deliberately not specified; in particular, the raising of exceptions is not required. This is a deliberate decision that allows to achieve maximum efficiency in the implementation of these modules. The exceptions raised by Processes are identified by the values of the enumeration type ProcessesExceptions: TYPE ProcessesExceptions = (passiveProgram, processError); The detection of the exception processError is implementation-defined. After the module is initialized, there is exactly one process, known as the `main process'. This process have an urgency of 0 and a parameter of NIL; initially, it is not associated with any source of events. CHANGE: This module is not based on the module Processes described in Programming in Modula-2.  Types of Processes  The Procedures of Processes  Create - Create new process  Start - Start new process  StopMe - Terminate calling process  SuspendMe - Suspend calling process  Activate - Activate process  SuspendMeAndActivate - Suspend current process and activate another  Switch - Switch to another process  Wait - Wait for event  Attach - Associate event source  Detach - Dissociate event source  IsAttached - Query event source  Handler - Query event handler  Me - Query current process id  MyParam - Query current process parameter  UrgencyOf - Query process urgency  IsProcessesException - Query exceptional state  ProcessesException - Query exception id ═══ 5.1.1. Types of Processes ═══ TYPE ProcessId; (* Used to identify processes *) Parameter = SYSTEM.ADDRESS; (* Used to pass data between processes *) Body = PROC; (* Used as the type of a process body *) Urgency = INTEGER; (* Used by the internal scheduler *) Sources = CARDINAL; (* Used to identify event sources *) ═══ 5.1.2. The Procedures of Processes ═══ The semantics of certain of the procedures of Processes require that a process be selected from the set of processes that are eligible to run, and be scheduled for execution. The selection algorithm shall guarantee that no process eligible to use the processor has an urgency greater than one of the processes currently doing so. NOTES:  The procedures in this category are Start, StopMe, SuspendMe, Activate, SuspendMeAndActivate and Wait.  The urgency of a process is specified, when it is created, by a value of the type INTEGER, and cannot be changed dynamically. The more positive the value of urgency, the more urgent the process. Certain of the procedures of Processes require that a process be associated with a source of external events. There shall be an implementation-defined mapping of values of the type CARDINAL to such sources of events. A source of events shall not be associated with more than one process at any instant. NOTES:  The International Standard does not prescribe how events occur, or what the sources of events must be, other than in terms of this implementation-defined mapping.  The International Standard does not specify the consequences if a value (of the type Sources) that is not mapped to a source of events is passed as an actual parameter to any of the procedures Attach, Detach, IsAttached or Handler. ═══ 5.1.3. Create - Create new process ═══ PROCEDURE Create (procBody: Body; extraSpace: CARDINAL; procUrg: Urgency; procParams: Parameter; VAR procId: ProcessId); Module Processes The procedure Create creates a new process. An unique value of the type ProcessId is assigned to procId as an identity for the process. The urgency and parameters for the created process are those given by procUrg and procParams respectively. extraSpace specifies the amount of workspace (in units of SYSTEM.LOC) that is required by the process, above any fixed overhead needed by the implementation of Processes. The process will be ineligible to run (i.e. it is created in the passive state). When the process is first activated, it will start execution by invoking the procedure that is denoted by procBody. The usage made of the workspace is implementation-dependent. If the end of this procedure body is reached, or if a return statement is executed in the procedure body, then the effect will be the same as calling the protection domain exit procedure (if any), followed by an explicit call of StopMe. NOTES:  The process will be activated when another process makes it eligible by calling Switch or Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate.  The standard library makes no provision to handle exceptions generated by created processes, which must handle all exceptions themselves if it is wished to avoid exceptional termination of a program. ═══ 5.1.4. Start - Start new process ═══ PROCEDURE Start (procBody: Body; extraSpace: CARDINAL; procUrg: Urgency; procParams: Parameter; VAR procId: ProcessId); Module Processes The procedure Start have an identical effect to the procedure Create, except that the created process will be eligible to run immediately (i.e. it is created in the ready state). ═══ 5.1.5. StopMe - Terminate calling process ═══ PROCEDURE StopMe (); Module Processes If the calling process is not associated with any source of events, the procedure StopMe causes the calling process to be terminated and removed from the system. The procedure does not return; the calling process will not again become eligible to run. If there are no other processes, then normal termination of the program is initiated. If there are other processes eligible to run, then one of them is selected for execution. The exception passiveProgram is raised if there are other processes, but none of them is eligible to run and none of them is waiting for an event to occur. NOTES:  If the main process stops, the other processes will continue to run.  The behaviour of StopMe in situations where the calling process is associated with a source of events is implementation-dependent. ═══ 5.1.6. SuspendMe - Suspend calling process ═══ PROCEDURE SuspendMe (); Module Processes The procedure SuspendMe causes the calling process to become ineligible to run (i.e. to enter the passive state). If there are other processes eligible to run, then one of them is selected for execution. The exception passiveProgram is raised if no other process is eligible to run and no other process is waiting for an event to occur. NOTE: The suspended process can be reactivated when another process again makes it eligible by calling Switch or Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate. ═══ 5.1.7. Activate - Activate process ═══ PROCEDURE Activate (procId: ProcessId); Module Processes If the process identified by procId is passive or waiting, the procedure Activate causes that process to become eligible to run (i.e. to enter the ready state); otherwise it have no effect. NOTE: If the designated process was suspended by a call of Wait, it will become ready in the same way as if the event had occurred. Thus, if the procedure Activate (or SuspendMeAndActivate) is used to reactivate a waiting process, further checking will usually be required in that process to determine whether or not the event for which it was waiting had actually taken place. ═══ 5.1.8. SuspendMeAndActivate - Suspend current process and activate another ═══ PROCEDURE SuspendMeAndActivate (procId: ProcessId); Module Processes If the process identified by procId is passive, waiting, or is the calling process, the procedure SuspendMeAndActivate causes the calling process to become ineligible to run (i.e. to enter the passive state), and causes the process identified by procId to become eligible to run (i.e. to enter the ready state); otherwise the call have no effect. NOTE SuspendMeAndActivate(procId) effectively performs an atomic (i.e. `indivisible') sequence of the calls SuspendMe() and Activate(procId). If applied to the identity of the calling process, the effect is to force a scheduling operation. ═══ 5.1.9. Switch - Switch to another process ═══ PROCEDURE Switch (procId: ProcessId; VAR info: Parameter); Module Processes If the calling process has an urgency no greater than that of the process identified by procId, the procedure Switch causes the calling process to become ineligible to run (i.e. to enter the passive state), and resumes execution of the process identified by procId. The exception processError occurs (but need not be raised) if this process is already eligible to run. info is passed as a parameter to the process identified by procId. If the calling process is reactivated as a result of another process calling Switch, then info is assigned the value passed by that other call. If the calling process is reactivated as a result of another process calling Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate, then info is assigned the value NIL. NOTE: Switch is intended to allow a high-level coroutine facility for use within concurrent programs. Several consequences follow: 1. The process that is resumed will only be able to retrieve the parameter passed to it as info if it was ineligible to run by virtue of itself having called Switch. 2. The behaviour of Switch in situations where the urgency of the calling process is greater than the urgency of the process identified by procId is implementation-dependent. 3. While a call of Switch may be used instead of Activate to activate a process, p, of a higher urgency than the caller, p will not be able to use Switch if it wishes to reactivate that caller; it will be obliged to use Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate. 4. If the designated process was suspended by a call of Wait, it will become ready in the same way as if the event had occurred. Thus, if the procedure Switch (or Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate) is used to reactivate a waiting process, further checking will usually be required in that process to determine whether or not the event for which it was waiting had actually taken place. ═══ 5.1.10. Wait - Wait for event ═══ PROCEDURE Wait (); Module Processes The procedure Wait causes the calling process to become ineligible to run (i.e. to enter the waiting state) if it is associated with a source of events. If there are other processes eligible to run, then one of them is selected for execution. NOTES:  One of the ready processes is selected for execution to replace the caller of Wait. This is on the assumption that, if there are ready processes that are not executing, the scheduler imposes a fixed upper limit on the number of executing processes.  The process will remain ineligible to run until an event occurs from one of the sources to which it is attached, or until it is made eligible by another process calling Switch or Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate.  If a process waiting for an event is reactivated by virtue of a call being made by another process to Switch or Activate or SuspendMeAndActivate, it will become ready in the same way as if the event had occurred. Thus, in such situations, further checking will usually be required to determine whether or not the event for which it was waiting had actually taken place.  The behaviour of Wait if the calling process has not been attached to a source of events, or if another process is attached to the event source after the calling process has called Wait is implementation-dependent. In such circumstances the calling process may never again become eligible to run, and the system could deadlock. ═══ 5.1.11. Attach - Associate event source ═══ PROCEDURE Attach (eventSource: Sources); Module Processes The procedure Attach associates the source of events given by eventSource with the calling process. If the source of events is already associated with a process, then that association is first broken. ═══ 5.1.12. Detach - Dissociate event source ═══ PROCEDURE Detach (eventSource: Sources); Module Processes The procedure Detach dissociates the source of events given by eventSource from the program. NOTE: Detach has no effect if the program is not associated with eventSource. ═══ 5.1.13. IsAttached - Query event source ═══ PROCEDURE IsAttached (eventSource: Sources): BOOLEAN; Module Processes The function procedure IsAttached returns TRUE if and only if the source of events given by eventSource is associated with one of the processes in the program. ═══ 5.1.14. Handler - Query event handler ═══ PROCEDURE Handler (eventSource: Sources): ProcessId; Module Processes If the source of events identified by eventSource is associated with a process, the function procedure Handler is the identity of that process. NOTE: The value of the call Handler(eventSource) is implementation-dependent in the situation where the value of eventSource is not mapped to any real source of events. ═══ 5.1.15. Me - Query current process id ═══ PROCEDURE Me (): ProcessId; Module Processes The function procedure Me returns the identity of the calling process. ═══ 5.1.16. MyParam - Query current process parameter ═══ PROCEDURE MyParam (): Parameter; Module Processes The function procedure MyParam returns the value of the parameter denoted by procParams at the time the process was created. ═══ 5.1.17. UrgencyOf - Query process urgency ═══ PROCEDURE UrgencyOf (procId: ProcessId): Urgency; Module Processes The function procedure UrgencyOf returns the urgency of the process identified by procId. NOTE: This urgency of a process is statically assigned when the process is created; it is not possible for a process to alter its urgency dynamically. ═══ 5.1.18. IsProcessesException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsProcessesException (): BOOLEAN; Module Processes If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of a Processes exception, the function procedure IsProcessesException returns TRUE; otherwise it retruns FALSE. ═══ 5.1.19. ProcessesException - Query exception id ═══ PROCEDURE ProcessesException (): ProcessesExceptions; Module Processes If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of a Processes exception, the function procedure ProcessesException returns the value that identifies the raised exception; otherwise the language exception exException is be raised. ═══ 5.2. Module Semaphores ═══ The module Semaphores provides facilities for potentially parallel parts of a program (i.e. processes) to exclude one another from regions of interaction by using the semaphore mechanism first proposed by Dijkstra. The semaphores provided by the module are general or counting semaphores (as opposed to binary semaphores). The hidden type SEMAPHORE is used to identify semaphores. TYPE SEMAPHORE; Each semaphore have a unique identity. Associated with each semaphore there is a non-negative count, and a set of zero or more processes waiting for it to become free. A semaphore is said to be `free' if its associated count is non-zero. After the module has been initialized, no semaphores are in existence. NOTES:  For convenience, the semantics of this module are illustrated in terms of the semantics of the Processes module. However, there is no requirement that an implementation provide Processes in addition to providing Semaphores.  The behaviour of the procedures Destroy, Claim, Release and CondClaim in situations where the actual parameter passed is not a valid semaphore (i.e. is not the identity of a semaphore allocated by a call to Create) is implementation-dependent.  Create - Create new semaphore  Destroy - Destroy semaphore  Claim - Claim semaphore  Release - Unclaim semaphore  CondClaim - Claim semaphore safely  IsSemaphoresException - Query exceptional state ═══ 5.2.1. Create - Create new semaphore ═══ PROCEDURE Create (VAR s: SEMAPHORE; initialCount: CARDINAL); Module Semaphores The procedure Create creates a new semaphore, if there are sufficient resources to do so, and assigns its identity to s; otherwise the Semaphores exception is raised. The count associated with the semaphore is initialized to initialCount, and there will then be no process waiting for the semaphore to be free. ═══ 5.2.2. Destroy - Destroy semaphore ═══ PROCEDURE Destroy (VAR s: SEMAPHORE); Module Semaphores Provided that no process is waiting for the semaphore identified by the value of s to become free, the procedure Destroy removes that semaphore and recovers the resources used to implement it. The variable s is set to a value that is invalid for semaphore operations. NOTE: The behaviour of Destroy(s) in situations where there are processes waiting for s to become free is implementation-dependent. ═══ 5.2.3. Claim - Claim semaphore ═══ PROCEDURE Claim (s: SEMAPHORE); Module Semaphores The procedure Claim claims the semaphore identified by s. If the count associated with s is non-zero, then it is decremented, and the calling process continues execution; otherwise the calling process becomes ineligible to run, and is added to the set waiting for s to become free. ═══ 5.2.4. Release - Unclaim semaphore ═══ PROCEDURE Release (s: SEMAPHORE); Module Semaphores The procedure Release unclaims the semaphore identified by s. If no process is waiting on s, the count associated with s is incremented; otherwise one process is selected from those waiting for s to become free; this process is removed from the waiting set, and becomes eligible to run (i.e. enter the ready state). NOTES:  No requirement is imposed about which of the waiting processes is chosen for activation.  Preemption occurs if the newly eligible process has an urgency greater than that of the calling process. ═══ 5.2.5. CondClaim - Claim semaphore safely ═══ PROCEDURE CondClaim (s: SEMAPHORE): BOOLEAN; Module Semaphores If the call Claim(s) would have caused the calling process to become ineligible to run, the procedure CondClaim returns FALSE, and the count associated with s is unchanged. Otherwise the count associated with s is decremented, and the procedure returns TRUE. NOTE: The calling process is never suspended as a result of calling CondClaim. ═══ 5.2.6. IsSemaphoresException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsSemaphoresException (): BOOLEAN; Module Semaphores If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the Semaphores exception, the procedure IsSemaphoresException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ 6. String Manipulation ═══  Module Strings ═══ 6.1. Module Strings ═══ The module Strings provides facilities for manipulating character arrays as representations of strings. The procedures provided accept any character array type, but manipulate all as if their index types were whole numbers and zero-based. The module also provides predicates that check whether an operation to assign, delete, insert, replace or append strings or characters will work without loss of information. These predicates check that parameters indexing the concrete representation of a string (i.e. the character array containing the string value) fall within its length, thereby allowing the programmer to maintain the string abstraction. A general-purpose string type String1 is provided for convenience when handling single characters by using a value constructor. An enumeration type CompareResults is provided for use when comparing string values: TYPE String1 = ARRAY [0..0] OF CHAR; CompareResults = (less, equal, greater); NOTES:  The procedures provided accept any character array type (i.e. with any index type) but because of the use of open array parameters the procedures manipulate all as if their index types were whole numbers and zero-based.  The array type String1 may be used as the array type identifier of an array constructor when constructing an array value from a value of the character type. The constructed array value may be used as actual parameter in calls of procedures having a formal open array value parameter, for example to assign, insert, replace, append, concatenate, or find a single character.  Since function procedures cannot return open arrays, many of the operations that might more logically have been provided as function procedures have to be provided as proper procedures.  Predicates with the prefix `Can' and the suffix `All' are provided to check the operation-completion condition of string operations (e.g. CanInsertAll checks the operation-completion condition for Insert). Failure to satisfy the operation-completion condition of a string handling procedure does not lead to an exception; i.e. the semantics of string operations are defined for all well-formed parameters.  Value parameters are used where a string value is not changed by a procedure. This is not just a matter of programming clarity, but allows the parameterization of programs using constants.  Because string constants cannot be assigned to, nor appended to, nor have characters replaced or inserted, the predicates that test the operation completion conditions of procedures use VAR-parameters for the string parameters.  The International Standard has not adopted a change to Modula-2 (described in the fourth edition of Programming in Modula-2) of always requiring a string terminator for a string value.  Length - Query string length  CanAssignAll - Check whether Assign will succeed  Assign - Assign string value  CanExtractAll - Check whether Extract will succeed  Extract - Extract substring  CanDeleteAll - Check whether Delete will succeed  Delete - Delete substring  CanInsertAll - Check whether Insert will succeed  Insert - Insert substring  CanReplaceAll - Check whether Replace will succeed  Replace - Replace substring  CanAppendAll - Check whether Append will succeed  Append - Append string  CanConcatAll - Check whether Concat will succeed  Concat - Concatenate strings  Capitalize - Capitalize string  Compare - Compare strings  Equal - Compare strings  FindNext - Search string forward  FindPrev - Search string backward  FindDiff - Find position of string difference ═══ 6.1.1. Length - Query string length ═══ PROCEDURE Length (stringVal: ARRAY OF CHAR): CARDINAL; Module Strings The function procedure Length returns the length of the string value in stringVal. This is the same as the value of LENGTH(stringVal). ═══ 6.1.2. CanAssignAll - Check whether Assign will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanAssignAll (sourceLength: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; Module Strings The function procedure CanAssignAll returns the value of the Boolean expression sourceLength <= HIGH(destination) + 1 NOTES:  CanAssignAll may be used to check whether complete assignment of a string value to a string variable will be possible using, for example, the procedure Assign.  Since a string variable must have at least one element, single-character string assignment is always valid. ═══ 6.1.3. Assign - Assign string value ═══ PROCEDURE Assign (source: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module Strings The procedure Assign assigns the string value in source to destination. If the length of source exceeds the capacity of destination, the assigned value is truncated to the capacity of destination. If the length of source is less than the capacity of destination, a string terminator is appended to source when assignment takes place. EXAMPLE - String assignment. In these, and later, examples the following declarations are assumed: VAR small: ARRAY [0 .. 4] OF CHAR; large: ARRAY [0 .. 255] OF CHAR; alpha: ARRAY ['A' .. 'E'] OF CHAR; ch: CHAR; found, areDiff: BOOLEAN; pos: CARDINAL; 1. ch := "X"; Assign(String1{ch}, small) results in small having value "X" 2. Assign("pq", small) results in small having value "pq" 3. Assign("", small) results in small having value "" 4. Assign("Hello!", small) results in small having value "Hello" without string terminator 5. the call CanAssignAll(6, small) returns the value FALSE 6. Assign("Go", alpha) results in alpha having value "Go" 7. small := "Hello"; large := ""; IF CanAssignAll(LENGTH(small), large) THEN Assign(small, large) END results in large having value "Hello" ═══ 6.1.4. CanExtractAll - Check whether Extract will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanExtractAll (sourceLength, startPos, numberToExtract: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; Module Strings The function procedure CanExtractAll returns the value of the Boolean expression (startPos + numberToExtract <= sourceLength) AND (numberToExtract <= HIGH(destination) + 1) NOTE: CanExtractAll may be used to check whether complete extraction of a substring from a string variable will be possible using, for example, the procedure Extract. ═══ 6.1.5. Extract - Extract substring ═══ PROCEDURE Extract (source: ARRAY OF CHAR; startPos, numberToExtract: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module Strings The procedure Extract creates a new string value of at most numberToExtract characters extracted from source. Extraction starts at position startPos in source, and continues as long as there are characters left to extract from source and no more than numberToExtract characters have been extracted. If the length of the created string value exceeds the capacity of destination, the string value is truncated to the capacity of destination, and the truncated value is assigned to destination. If the length of the created string value is less than the capacity of destination, a string terminator is appended to the string value, and the resulting value is assigned to destination. An empty string value is extracted if startPos is greater than or equal to LENGTH(source). EXAMPLE - String extraction. 1. large := "ABCDE"; small := ""; IF CanExtractAll(LENGTH (large), 2, 3, small) THEN Extract(large, 2, 3, small) END results in small having value "CDE" 2. large := "ABCDE"; small := ""; Extract(large, 2, 3, small) results in small having value "CDE" ═══ 6.1.6. CanDeleteAll - Check whether Delete will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanDeleteAll (stringLength, startPos, numberToDelete: CARDINAL ): BOOLEAN; Module Strings The function procedure CanDeleteAll returns the value of the Boolean expression startPos + numberToDelete <= stringLength NOTE: CanDeleteAll may be used to check whether complete deletion of a substring value from a string variable will be possible using, for example, the procedure Delete. ═══ 6.1.7. Delete - Delete substring ═══ PROCEDURE Delete (VAR stringVar: ARRAY OF CHAR; startPos, numberToDelete: CARDINAL); Module Strings The procedure Delete creates a new string value by deleting at most numberToDelete characters from stringVar. Deletion starts at position startPos in stringVar and continues as long as there are characters left to delete in stringVar and no more than numberToDelete characters have been deleted. If any characters are deleted, a string terminator is appended to the created string value, and the resulting value is assigned to stringVar. The string value in stringVar is not altered if startPos is greater than or equal to LENGTH(stringVar). EXAMPLE - String deletion. 1. small := "ABCDE"; IF CanDeleteAll(LENGTH(small), 2, 2) THEN Delete(small, 2, 2) END results in small having value "ABE" 2. after the assignment small := "ABC"; the call CanDeleteAll(3, 2, 2) returns the value FALSE 3. small := "ABC"; Delete(small, 2, 2) results in small having value "AB" ═══ 6.1.8. CanInsertAll - Check whether Insert will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanInsertAll (sourceLength, startPos: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; Module Strings The function procedure CanInsertAll returns the value of the Boolean expression (startPos <= LENGTH(destination)) AND (sourceLength + LENGTH(destination) <= HIGH(destination) + 1) NOTE: CanInsertAll may be used to check whether complete insertion of a string value into a string variable will be possible using, for example, the procedure Insert. ═══ 6.1.9. Insert - Insert substring ═══ PROCEDURE Insert (source: ARRAY OF CHAR; startPos: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module Strings The procedure Insert creates a new string value by inserting the substring source into destination. The string in destination is first splitted at the position given by startPos; the created string value is the concatenation of the first part of destination, the substring source, and the second part of destination. If the length of the created string value exceeds the capacity of destination, the string value is truncated to the capacity of destination, and the truncated value is assigned to destination. If the length of the created string value is less than the capacity of destination, a string terminator is appended to the string value, and the resulting value is assigned to destination. The string value in destination is not altered if startPos is greater than or equal to LENGTH(destination). EXAMPLE - String insertion. 1. after the assignment small := "ABCD"; the call CanInsertAll(LENGTH("XYZ"), 2, small) returns the value FALSE 2. small := "ABCD"; Insert("XYZ", 2, small) results in small having value "ABXYZ" without terminator 3. large := "ABC"; IF CanInsertAll(3, 2, large) THEN Insert("XYZ", 2, large) END results in large having value "ABXYZC" 4. large := "ABCD"; ch := "X"; Insert(String1{ch}, 2, large) results in large having value "ABXCD" ═══ 6.1.10. CanReplaceAll - Check whether Replace will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanReplaceAll (sourceLength, startPos: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; The function procedure CanReplaceAll returns is the value of the Boolean expression sourceLength + startPos <= LENGTH(destination) NOTES:  CanReplaceAll may be used to check whether complete replacement of a substring value within a string variable will be possible using, for example, the procedure Replace.  The preservation of the string abstraction is taken as the goal of the string module. This means that the operation completion condition of CanReplaceAll only tests whether the proposed replacement is valid within the given string length; the procedure Replace always preserves the length of its destination string. ═══ 6.1.11. Replace - Replace substring ═══ PROCEDURE Replace (source: ARRAY OF CHAR; startPos: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); The procedure Replace modifies the string value from destination by overwriting characters in destination with characters extracted from the string value in source. Overwriting begins at the position given by startPos and continues as long as there are characters left to overwrite in destination and characters left to extract from source. The string value in destination is not altered if startPos is greater than or equal to LENGTH(destination). NOTE: The length of the string value in destination is always preserved by Replace. EXAMPLE - String replacement. 1. after the assignment small := "ABC" the call CanReplaceAll(LENGTH("XY"), 2, small) returns the value FALSE 2. small := "ABC"; Replace("XY", 2, small) results in small[0] having value "ABX" 3. large := "ABCDEF"; IF CanReplaceAll(3, 2, large) THEN Replace("XYZ", 2, large) END results in large having value "ABXYZF" ═══ 6.1.12. CanAppendAll - Check whether Append will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanAppendAll (sourceLength: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; The function procedure CanAppendAll returns the value of the Boolean expression LENGTH(destination) + sourceLength <= HIGH(destination) + 1 NOTE: CanAppendAll may be used to check whether it will be possible to append a string value to another string value held within a string variable using, for example, the procedure Append. ═══ 6.1.13. Append - Append string ═══ PROCEDURE Append (source: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); The procedure Append creates a new string value by appending the string value in source onto destination. If the length of the created string value exceeds the capacity of destination, the string value is truncated to the capacity of destination, and the truncated value is assigned to destination. If the length of the created string value is less than the capacity of destination, a string terminator is appended to the string value, and the resulting value is assigned to destination. EXAMPLE - Appending to strings. 1. after the assignment small := "pqr" the call CanAppendAll(LENGTH("XYZ"), small) returns the value FALSE 2. small := "pqr"; Append("XYZ", small) results in small having value "pqrXY" without terminator 3. small := "pqr"; ch := "s"; Append(String1{ch}, small) results in small having value "pqrs" ═══ 6.1.14. CanConcatAll - Check whether Concat will succeed ═══ PROCEDURE CanConcatAll (source1Length, source2Length: CARDINAL; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR ): BOOLEAN; The function procedure CanConcatAll returns the value of the Boolean expression source1Length + source2Length <= HIGH(destination) + 1 NOTE: CanConcatAll may be used to check whether complete concatenation of two string values will be possible within the capacity of a specified string variable using, for example, the procedure Concat. ═══ 6.1.15. Concat - Concatenate strings ═══ PROCEDURE Concat (source1, source2: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); The procedure Concat creates a new string value by appending the substring value source2 onto source1. If the length of the created string value exceeds the capacity of destination, the string value is truncated to the capacity of destination, and the truncated value is assigned to destination. If the length of the created string value is less than the capacity of destination, a string terminator is appended to the string value, and the resulting value is assigned to destination. EXAMPLE - String concatenation. 1. after the assignment small := "pqr" the call CanConcatAll(4, LENGTH(small), small) returns the value FALSE 2. small := "pqr"; Concat("WXYZ", small, small) results in small having value "WXYZp" without terminator 3. small := "jk"; large := ""; ch := "s"; Concat(String1{ch}, small, large) results in large having value "skj" ═══ 6.1.16. Capitalize - Capitalize string ═══ PROCEDURE Capitalize (VAR stringVar: ARRAY OF CHAR); The procedure Capitalize applies the standard function CAP to each character of the string value in stringVar. NOTE: Capitalize may be used to achieve case-insensitive use of the procedures Compare, FindNext, FindPrev and FindDiff. EXAMPLE - String capitalization. The following example assumes a capitalization mapping which maps p to P, q to Q and r to R. 1. small := "pqr"; Capitalize(small) results in small having value "PQR" ═══ 6.1.17. Compare - Compare strings ═══ PROCEDURE Compare (stringVal1, stringVal2: ARRAY OF CHAR ): CompareResults; The function procedure Compare returns a value of the enumeration type CompareResults depending on the lexical ordering of the type CHAR. The value returned is less, equal or greater according as the string value in stringVal1 is lexically less than, equal to, or greater than the string value in stringVal2. NOTES:  The result of this function is dependent upon the full collating sequence of character values. This sequence is implementation-defined, although it must have certain properties.  In general, the result of this function is case-sensitive. EXAMPLE - String comparison. 1. Compare("", "") returns equal 2. Compare("", "abc") returns less 3. Compare("abc", "") returns greater 4. Compare("pqr", "pqr") returns equal 5. Compare("pqr", "pqrstuv") returns less 6. Compare("pqrstuv", "pqr") returns greater 7. Compare("abc", "pqr") returns less 8. Compare("pqr", "abc") returns greater 9. Compare("abcdef ", "p") returns less 10. Compare("p", "abcdef ") returns greater ═══ 6.1.18. Equal - Compare strings ═══ PROCEDURE Equal (stringVal1, stringVal2: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; The function procedure Equal returns the value of the Boolean expression Strings.Compare(stringVal1, stringVal2) = Strings.equal ═══ 6.1.19. FindNext - Search string forward ═══ PROCEDURE FindNext (pattern, stringToSearch: ARRAY OF CHAR; startPos: CARDINAL; VAR patternFound: BOOLEAN; VAR posOfPattern: CARDINAL); The procedure FindNext searches forwards for the next occurrence of pattern in stringToSearch, starting the search in stringToSearch at position startPos. If pattern is found, the value TRUE is assigned to patternFound, and posOfPattern contains the starting position of pattern in stringToSearch; posOfPattern is in the range [startPos..LENGTH(stringToSearch)-1]. Otherwise the value FALSE is assigned to patternFound and posOfPattern is unchanged. NOTES:  The pattern might be found at the given value of startPos.  If startPos > LENGTH(stringToSearch) - LENGTH(pattern) then patternFound is returned as FALSE. EXAMPLE - Forwards string search. 1. large := "Hello hello hello"; FindNext("ll", large, 0, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 2 2. large := "Hello hello hello"; FindNext("ll", large, 0, found, pos); FindNext("ll", large, pos+1, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 8 3. large := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; ch := "x"; FindNext(String1fchg, large, 0, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 23 4. large := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; ch := "x"; FindNext(String1fchg, large, 26, found, pos) results in: found having value FALSE pos remains unchanged ═══ 6.1.20. FindPrev - Search string backward ═══ PROCEDURE FindPrev (pattern, stringToSearch: ARRAY OF CHAR; startPos: CARDINAL; VAR patternFound: BOOLEAN; VAR posOfPattern: CARDINAL); The procedure FindPrev looks backwards for an occurrence of pattern in the string value in stringToSearch, starting the search in stringToSearch at position startPos. If pattern is found, the value TRUE is assigned to patternFound, and posOfPattern contains the starting position of pattern in stringToSearch; posOfPattern is in the range [0..startPos]. Otherwise the value FALSE is assigned to patternFound and posOfPattern is unchanged. NOTES:  The pattern might be found at the given value of startPos.  If startPos > LENGTH(stringToSearch)-LENGTH(pattern) the whole string value is searched. EXAMPLE - Backwards string search. 1. large := "aabbbcccc"; FindPrev("cc", large, 200, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 7 2. large := "aabbbcccc"; FindPrev("cc", large, 200, found, pos); FindPrev("cc", large, pos-1, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 6 3. large := "Maybe this makes sense"; FindPrev("se", large, 200, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 20 4. large := "Maybe this makes sense"; FindPrev("se", large, 20, found, pos); FindPrev("se", large, pos-1, found, pos) results in: found having value TRUE pos having value 17 ═══ 6.1.21. FindDiff - Find position of string difference ═══ PROCEDURE FindDiff (stringVal1, stringVal2: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR differenceFound: BOOLEAN; VAR posOfDifference: CARDINAL); The procedure FindDiff compares the string values in stringVal1 and stringVal2. The value FALSE is assigned to differenceFound if the string values are equal and TRUE otherwise. If differenceFound is TRUE, the position of the first difference between the string values is assigned to posOfDifference; otherwise posOfDifference is unchanged. Examples - Finding string differences. 1. FindDiff("", "", areDiff, pos) results in: areDiff having value FALSE pos being unchanged 2. FindDiff("abc", "", areDiff, pos) results in: areDiff having value TRUE pos having value 0 3. FindDiff("", "abc", areDiff, pos) results in: areDiff having value TRUE pos having value 0 4. FindDiff("pqr", "pqt", areDiff, pos) results in: areDiff having value TRUE pos having value 2 5. FindDiff("pqr", "pqrstuv", areDiff, pos) results in: areDiff having value TRUE pos having value 3 6. FindDiff("pqrstuv", "pqr", areDiff, pos) results in: areDiff having value TRUE pos having value 3 ═══ 7. String Conversions ═══ The string conversions library allows the conversion of the values of numeric data types to and from character string representations. The modules WholeStr, RealStr, and LongStr provide simple high-level facilities for converting to and from strings and whole number and real number data types. Low-level facilities are provided by the corresponding modules WholeConv, RealConv, and LongConv. Common data types and values that are used in the definition modules are defined by the module ConvTypes. The formats for string conversions correspond to those for numeric input and output, except that the numeric output routines provide for (right) alignment in a specified field width | see and  Common Data Types  High-Level String Conversion Modules  Low-Level String Conversion Modules ═══ 7.1. Common Data Types ═══ The module ConvTypes defines types and values that are used in the high-level and low-level string conversion definition modules. Where appropriate, the conversion modules define types in terms of those defined in ConvTypes. Direct import from this module is not normally necessary in modules that are clients of the high-level conversion modules.  Module ConvTypes ═══ 7.1.1. Module ConvTypes ═══ The module ConvTypes defines the enumeration type ConvResults with values for expressing the format of strings that are interpreted as representing values of numeric data types. The module also defines the types ScanClass and ScanState, which the low-level conversion modules use in the definition of procedures that control lexical scanning. TYPE ConvResults = (* Values of this type are used to express the format of a string: *) ( strAllRight, (* the string format is correct for the corresponding conversion *) strOutOfRange, (* the string is well-formed but the value cannot be represented *) strWrongFormat, (* the string is in the wrong format for the conversion *) strEmpty (* the given string is empty *) ); ScanClass = (* Values of this type are used to classify input to finite state scanners: *) ( padding, (* a leading or padding character at this point in the scan - ignore it *) valid, (* a valid character at this point in the scan - accept it *) invalid, (* an invalid character at this point in the scan - reject it *) terminator (* a terminating character at this point in the scan (not part of token) *) ); ScanState = (* The type of lexical scanning control procedures *) PROCEDURE (CHAR, VAR ScanClass, VAR ScanState); ═══ 7.2. High-Level String Conversion Modules ═══ Separate high-level string conversion modules are defined for the whole number types (INTEGER and CARDINAL), and for the real number types (REAL and LONGREAL). These all use decimal notation. In calls of procedures converting from strings, the source parameter str is assumed to contain a string value (which is terminated by the string terminator character if the length of the string is less than the capacity of the array). While leading spaces are ignored, the entire remainder of the string has to be in the correct format for the conversion to take place. In calls of procedures converting to strings, the destination parameter str is assigned a string value (which is terminated by the string terminator character if the length of the string is less than the capacity of the array). If the destination parameter is of insufficient capacity, the string is truncated. Users may determine whether truncation will occur by using procedures such as LengthCard from the low-level string conversion modules | see NOTE: The string conversion procedures may be used with strings read by STextIO.ReadToken or TextIO.ReadToken, if it is required that entire space-character delimited tokens are in the correct format | see High-Level String Conversion Modules [htbp] EXAMPLE - Conversion of strings read by ReadToken This example shows how space-character delimited tokens that cannot be converted to values of type CARDINAL can be replaced by descriptive text: firstOnLine := TRUE; STextIO.ReadToken(inStr); WHILE SIOResult.ReadResult() <> SIOResult.endOfInput DO WholeStr.StrToCard(inStr, inCard, inRes); CASE inRes OF | ConvTypes.strAllRight .. ConvTypes.strWrongFormat: IF firstOnLine THEN firstOnLine := FALSE ELSE STextIO.WriteString(" ") END | ConvTypes.strEmpty: firstOnLine := TRUE; STextIO.SkipLine END; CASE inRes OF | ConvTypes.strAllRight: STextIO.WriteString(inStr) | ConvTypes.strOutOfRange: STextIO.WriteString("out-of-range") | ConvTypes.strWrongFormat: STextIO.WriteString("wrong-format") | ConvTypes.strEmpty: STextIO.WriteLn END; STextIO.ReadToken(inStr) END; It is assumed here that the capacity of the character array variable inStr is sufficient to accommodate the longest token in the input stream.  Module WholeStr  Modules RealStr and LongStr ═══ 7.2.1. Module WholeStr ═══ The module WholeStr provides procedures for the conversion of values of the type INTEGER and the type CARDINAL to and from strings. The string form of a signed whole number is ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit} The string form of an unsigned whole number is decimal digit, {decimal digit}  StrToInt - Convert string to INTEGER  IntToStr - Convert INTEGER to string  StrToCard - Convert string to CARDINAL  CardToStr - Convert CARDINAL to string ═══ StrToInt - Convert string to INTEGER ═══ PROCEDURE StrToInt (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR int: INTEGER; VAR res: ConvResults); Module WholeStr The procedure StrToInt ignores leading spaces in str and assigns values to int and res as follows: strAllRight if the remainder of str represents a complete signed whole number in the range of the type INTEGER; the value of this number is assigned to int; strOutOfRange if the remainder of str represents a complete signed whole number but its value is out of the range of the type INTEGER; the value MAX(INTEGER) or MIN(INTEGER) is assigned to int according to the sign of the number; strWrongFormat if there are remaining characters in str but these are not in the form of a complete signed whole number; the value of int is not defined; strEmpty if there are no remaining characters in str | the value of int is not defined. ═══ IntToStr - Convert INTEGER to string ═══ PROCEDURE IntToStr (int: INTEGER; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module WholeStr The procedure IntToStr assigns to str the possibly truncated string corresponding to the value of int. A sign is included only for negative values. ═══ StrToCard - Convert string to CARDINAL ═══ PROCEDURE StrToCard (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR card: CARDINAL; VAR res: ConvResults); Module WholeStr The procedure StrToCard ignores leading spaces in str and assigns values to card and res as follows: strAllRight if the remainder of str represents a complete unsigned whole number in the range of the type CARDINAL; the value of this number is assigned to card; strOutOfRange if the remainder of str represents a complete unsigned whole number but its value is out of the range of the type CARDINAL; the value MAX(CARDINAL) is assigned to card; strWrongFormat if there are remaining characters in str but these are not in the form of a complete unsigned whole number; the value of card is not defined; strEmpty if there are no remaining characters in str; the value of card is not defined. ═══ CardToStr - Convert CARDINAL to string ═══ PROCEDURE CardToStr (card: CARDINAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); Module WholeStr The procedure CardToStr assigns to str the possibly truncated string corresponding to the value of card. ═══ 7.2.2. Modules RealStr and LongStr ═══ The modules RealStr and LongStr provide procedures for the conversion of real numbers to and from strings. In the case of RealStr, real number parameters are of the type REAL. In the case of LongStr, real number parameters are of the type LONGREAL. The semantics of the two modules is the same, except that when module RealStr refers to the pervasive type REAL, the corresponding procedure in LongStr refers to the pervasive type LONGREAL. NOTE: The above statement is merely to avoid needless repetition of the semantics for LongStr. The string form of a signed fixed-point real number is ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit}, [".", {decimal digit}] The string form of a signed floating-point real number is signed fixed-point real number, "E"|"e", ["+" | "-"], decimal digit, {decimal digit}  StrToReal - Convert string to real  RealToFloat - Convert real to string (float notation)  RealToEng - Convert real to string (eng. notation)  RealToFixed - Convert real to string (fixed notation)  RealToStr - Convert real to string (auto notation) ═══ StrToReal - Convert string to real ═══ PROCEDURE StrToReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR real: REAL; VAR res: ConvResults); PROCEDURE StrToReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR real: LONGREAL; VAR res: ConvResults); Modules: RealStr, LongStr The procedure StrToReal ignores leading spaces in str and assigns values to res and real as follows: strAllRight if the remainder of str represents a complete signed real number in the range of the type of real; the value of this number is assigned to real; strOutOfRange if the remainder of str represents a complete signed real number but its value is out of the range of the type of real; the maximum or minimum value of the type of real is assigned to real according to the sign of the number; strWrongFormat if there are remaining characters in str but these are not in the form of a complete signed real number; the value of real is not defined; strEmpty if there are no remaining characters in str; the value of real is not defined. ═══ RealToFloat - Convert real to string (float notation) ═══ PROCEDURE RealToFloat (real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE RealToFloat (real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: RealStr, LongStr The procedure RealToFloat assigns to str the possibly truncated string corresponding to the value of real in floating-point form. A sign is included only for negative values. One significant digit is included in the whole number part. The signed exponent part is included only if the exponent value is not 0. If the value of sigFigs is greater than 0, that number of significant digits is included, otherwise an implementation-defined number of significant digits is included. The decimal point is not included if there are no significant digits in the fractional part. ═══ RealToEng - Convert real to string (eng. notation) ═══ PROCEDURE RealToEng (real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE RealToEng (real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: RealStr, LongStr The procedure RealToEng behaves like the procedure RealToFloat except that the number is scaled with one to three digits in the whole number part and with an exponent that is a multiple of three. ═══ RealToFixed - Convert real to string (fixed notation) ═══ PROCEDURE RealToFixed (real: REAL; place: INTEGER; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE RealToFixed (real: LONGREAL; place: INTEGER; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: RealStr, LongStr The procedure RealToFixed assigns to str the possibly truncated string corresponding to the value of real in fixed-point form. A sign is included only for negative values. At least one digit is included in the whole number part. The value is rounded to the given value of place relative to the decimal point. The decimal point is suppressed if place is less than 0. ═══ RealToStr - Convert real to string (auto notation) ═══ PROCEDURE RealToStr (real: REAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE RealToStr (real: LONGREAL; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); Modules: RealStr, LongStr If the sign and magnitude of real can be shown within the capacity of str, the call RealToStr(real,str) behaves like the call RealToFixed(real,place,str), with a value of place chosen to fill exactly the remainder of str. Otherwise, the call behaves as the call RealToFloat(real,sigFigs,str), with a value of sigFigs of at least one, but otherwise limited to the number of significant digits that can be included together with the sign and exponent part in str. ═══ 7.3. Low-Level String Conversion Modules ═══ Separate low-level string conversion modules are defined for the whole number types (INTEGER and CARDINAL), and for the real number types (REAL and LONGREAL). These all use decimal notation. Procedures are defined to return the length of the string that is required to represent a given value, to return the format of a given string, to return the value of a string known to be in the correct format for conversion, and to allow control of lexical scanning of character sequences. NOTE: The types designated by ConvTypes.ScanClass and ConvTypes.ScanState are not given aliases in the low-level conversion modules. This is because clients of a separate finite state interpreter module need to refer only to procedures such as WholeConv.ScanInt, which represent the start state, and not to the types themselves.  Module WholeConv  Modules RealConv and LongConv ═══ 7.3.1. Module WholeConv ═══ The module WholeConv provides low-level string conversion procedures for values of the type INTEGER and values of the type CARDINAL.  ScanInt - Scan one character of INTEGER  FormatInt - Query INTEGER format  ValueInt - Query INTEGER value  LengthInt - Query INTEGER length  ScanCard - Scan one character of CARDINAL  FormatCard - Query CARDINAL format  ValueCard - Query CARDINAL value  LengthCard - Query CARDINAL length  IsWholeConvException - Query exceptional state ═══ ScanInt - Scan one character of INTEGER ═══ PROCEDURE ScanInt (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass; VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState); Module WholeConv The procedure ScanInt assigns values to chClass and nextState depending upon the value of inputCh as shown in the following table: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Procedure inputCh chClass nextState a procedure with behaviour of ScanInt space padding ScanInt sign valid S decimal digit valid W other invalid ScanInt S decimal digit valid W other invalid S W decimal digit valid W other terminator | ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── NOTE: The procedure ScanInt corresponds to the start state of a finite state machine to scan for a character sequence that forms a signed whole number. Like ScanCard and the corresponding procedures in the other low-level string conversion modules, it may be used to control the actions of a finite state interpreter. As long as the value of chClass is other than terminator or invalid, the interpreter should call the procedure whose value is assigned to nextState by the previous call, supplying the next character from the sequence to be scanned. It may be appropriate for the interpreter to ignore characters classified as invalid, and proceed with the scan. This would be the case, for example, with interactive input, if only valid characters are being echoed in order to give interactive users an immediate indication of badly-formed data. If the character sequence ends before one is classified as terminator, the string-terminator character should be supplied as input to the finite state scanner. If the preceding character sequence formed a complete number, the string-terminator is classified as terminator, otherwise it is classified as invalid. ScanInt - Scan one character of INTEGER [htbp] EXAMPLE - Use of ScanInt The following procedure uses ScanInt to locate the position of the first character in a string that follows any leading spaces and to locate the position of the first character that is not part of an integer. These positions will coincide if the string does not contain an integer after any leading spaces, and will be equal to the string length if no such character is contained in the string. PROCEDURE FindInt(str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR first, next: CARDINAL); VAR ch: CHAR; len, index: CARDINAL; state: ConvTypes.ConvState; class: ConvTypes.ConvClass; BEGIN len := LENGTH(str); index := 0; first := len; state := WholeConv.ScanInt; LOOP IF index = len THEN EXIT END; state(str[index], class, state); CASE class OF | ConvTypes.padding: | ConvTypes.valid: IF index < first THEN first := index END; | ConvTypes.invalid, ConvTypes.terminator: EXIT END; INC(index) END; next := index END FindInt; ═══ FormatInt - Query INTEGER format ═══ PROCEDURE FormatInt (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): ConvResults; Module WholeConv The function procedure FormatInt queries the format of str and returns: strAllRight if str has a value representing a complete signed whole number that is in the range of the type INTEGER; strOutOfRange if str has a value representing a complete signed whole number that is not in the range of INTEGER; strWrongFormat if str has a value with remaining characters that do not form a complete signed whole number; strEmpty if str has a value with no remaining characters; FormatInt ignores any leading space characters in str. ═══ ValueInt - Query INTEGER value ═══ PROCEDURE ValueInt (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; Module WholeConv If str has a value representing a signed whole number, the function procedure ValueInt returns the INTEGER value that corresponds to that number. Otherwise, the WholeConv exception is raised. ═══ LengthInt - Query INTEGER length ═══ PROCEDURE LengthInt (int: INTEGER): CARDINAL; Module WholeConv The function procedure LengthInt returns the number of characters in the string representation of the value of int. NOTE: This value corresponds to the capacity of an array str which is of the minimum capacity needed to avoid truncation of the result in the call WholeStr.IntToStr(int,str). ═══ ScanCard - Scan one character of CARDINAL ═══ PROCEDURE ScanCard (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass; VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState); Module WholeConv The procedure ScanCard assigns values to chClass and nextState depending upon the value of inputCh as shown in the following table: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Procedure inputCh chClass nextState a procedure with behaviour of ScanCard space padding ScanCard decimal digit valid W other invalid ScanCard W decimal digit valid W other terminator | ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ FormatCard - Query CARDINAL format ═══ PROCEDURE FormatCard (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): ConvResults; Module WholeConv The function procedure FormatCard queries the format of str and returns: strAllRight if str has a value representing a complete unsigned whole number that is in the range of the type CARDINAL; strOutOfRange if str has a value representing a complete unsigned whole number that is not in the range of CARDINAL; strWrongFormat if str has a value with remaining characters that do not form a complete unsigned whole number; strEmpty if str has a value with no remaining characters; FormatCard ignores any leading space characters in str. ═══ ValueCard - Query CARDINAL value ═══ PROCEDURE ValueCard (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): CARDINAL; Module WholeConv If str has a value representing an unsigned whole number, the function procedure ValueCard returns the CARDINAL value that corresponds to that number. Otherwise, the WholeConv exception is raised. ═══ LengthCard - Query CARDINAL length ═══ PROCEDURE LengthCard (card: CARDINAL): CARDINAL; Module WholeConv The function procedure LengthCard returns the number of characters in the string representation of the value of card. NOTE: This value corresponds to the capacity of an array str which is of the minimum capacity needed to avoid truncation of the result in the call WholeStr.CardToStr(card,str). ═══ IsWholeConvException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsWholeConvException (): BOOLEAN; Module WholeConv The function procedure IsWholeConvException returns TRUE if the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the WholeConv exception, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 7.3.2. Modules RealConv and LongConv ═══ The modules RealConv and LongConv provide low-level string conversion procedures for values of the type REAL and values of the type LONGREAL. In the case of RealConv, real number parameters are of the type REAL. In the case of LongConv, real number parameters are of the type LONGREAL. The semantics of the two modules are the same, except that when module RealConv refers to the pervasive type REAL, the corresponding procedure in LongConv refers to the pervasive type LONGREAL. NOTE: The above statement is merely to avoid needless repetition of the semantics for LongConv.  ScanReal - Scan one character of real  FormatReal - Query real format  ValueReal - Query real value  LengthFloatReal - Query float length  LengthEngReal - Query engineering length  LengthFixedReal - Query fixed length  IsRConvException - Query exceptional state ═══ ScanReal - Scan one character of real ═══ PROCEDURE ScanReal (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass; VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState); PROCEDURE ScanReal (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass; VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState); Modules: RealConv, LongConv The procedure ScanReal assigns values to chClass and nextState depending upon the value of inputCh as shown in the following table: ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Procedure inputCh chClass nextState a procedure with behaviour of ScanReal space padding ScanReal sign valid RS decimal digit valid P other invalid ScanReal RS decimal digit valid P other invalid RS P decimal digit valid P "." valid F "E" valid E other terminator | F decimal digit valid F "E" valid E other terminator | E sign valid SE decimal digit valid WE other invalid E SE decimal digit valid WE other invalid SE WE decimal digit valid WE other terminator | ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ═══ FormatReal - Query real format ═══ PROCEDURE FormatReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): ConvResults; PROCEDURE FormatReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): ConvResults; Modules: RealConv, LongConv The function procedure FormatReal queries the format of str and returns: strAllRight if str has a value representing a complete signed real number that is in the range of the real number type corresponding to the module; strOutOfRange if str has a value representing a complete signed real number that is not in the range of the real number type corresponding to the module; strWrongFormat if str has a value with remaining characters that do not form a complete signed real number; strEmpty if str has a value with no remaining characters; FormatReal ignores any leading space characters in str. ═══ ValueReal - Query real value ═══ PROCEDURE ValueReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): REAL; PROCEDURE ValueReal (str: ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGREAL; Modules: RealConv, LongConv If str has a value representing a real number, the function procedure ValueReal(str) returns the REAL (or LONGREAL) value that corresponds most closely to that number. Otherwise, an exception is raised. ═══ LengthFloatReal - Query float length ═══ PROCEDURE LengthFloatReal (real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE LengthFloatReal (real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL): CARDINAL; Modules: RealConv, LongConv The function procedure LengthFloatReal returns the number of characters in the floating-point string representation of the value of real when using sigFigs significant figures. NOTE: This value corresponds to the capacity of an array str which is of the minimum capacity needed to avoid truncation of the result in the call RealStr.RealToFloat(real,sigFigs,str) (in the case of RealConv.LengthFloatReal) or the call LongStr.RealToFloat(real,sigFigs,str) (in the case of LongConv.LengthFloatReal). ═══ LengthEngReal - Query engineering length ═══ PROCEDURE LengthEngReal (real: REAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE LengthEngReal (real: LONGREAL; sigFigs: CARDINAL): CARDINAL; Modules: RealConv, LongConv The function procedure LengthEngReal returns the number of characters in the floating-point engineering string representation of the value of real when using sigFigs significant figures. NOTE: This value corresponds to the capacity of an array str which is of the minimum capacity needed to avoid truncation of the result in the call RealStr.RealToEng(real,sigFigs,str) (in the case of RealConv.LengthEngReal) or the call LongStr.RealToEng(real,sigFigs,str) (in the case of LongConv.LengthEngReal). ═══ LengthFixedReal - Query fixed length ═══ PROCEDURE LengthFixedReal (real: REAL; place: INTEGER): CARDINAL; PROCEDURE LengthFixedReal (real: LONGREAL; place: INTEGER): CARDINAL; Modules: RealConv, LongConv The function procedure LengthFixedReal returns the number of characters in the fixed-point string representation of the value of real when rounded to the place relative to the decimal point given by the value of place. NOTE: This value corresponds to the capacity of an array str which is of the minimum capacity needed to avoid truncation of the result in the call RealStr.RealToFixed(real,place,str) (in the case of RealConv.LengthFixedReal) or the call LongStr.RealToFixed(real,place,str) (in the case of LongConv.LengthFixedReal). ═══ IsRConvException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsRConvException (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsRConvException (): BOOLEAN; Modules: RealConv, LongConv If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the RealConv exception, the function procedure RealConv.IsRConvException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the LongConv exception, the function procedure LongConv.IsRConvException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ 8. Miscellaneous ═══  Module CharClass  Modules LowReal and LowLong  Module Storage  Module SysClock ═══ 8.1. Module CharClass ═══ The full set of values of the character type (the elementary type denoted by the pervasive identifier CHAR) is implementation-defined. The module CharClass allows a program to determine the classification of a given value of the character type of an implementation in a way that does not rely on there being a known literal representation of all members of the character set. The module CharClass provides predicates to test if a given value of the character type in an implementation is classified as a numeric, a letter, an upper-case letter, a lower-case letter, a value representing a control function, or as white space.  IsNumeric - Test for numeric character  IsLetter - Test for letter  IsUpper - Test for upper case letter  IsLower - Test for lower case letter  IsControl - Test for control character  IsWhiteSpace - Test for white space character ═══ 8.1.1. IsNumeric - Test for numeric character ═══ PROCEDURE IsNumeric (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Module CharClass The function procedure IsNumeric returns TRUE if ch is a member of an implementation-defined set of numeric characters that should include the decimal digits, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 8.1.2. IsLetter - Test for letter ═══ PROCEDURE IsLetter (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Module CharClass The function procedure IsLetter returns TRUE if ch is a member of an implementation-defined set of letters that should include the required letters, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 8.1.3. IsUpper - Test for upper case letter ═══ PROCEDURE IsUpper (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Module CharClass The function procedure IsUpper returns TRUE if ch is a member of an implementation-defined set of upper case letters that should include the required upper case letters, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 8.1.4. IsLower - Test for lower case letter ═══ PROCEDURE IsLower (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Module CharClass The function procedure IsLower returns TRUE if ch is a member of an implementation-defined set of lower case letters that should include the required lower case letters, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 8.1.5. IsControl - Test for control character ═══ PROCEDURE IsControl (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Module CharClass The function procedure IsControl returns TRUE if ch is a member of an implementation-defined set of characters that represent control functions, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 8.1.6. IsWhiteSpace - Test for white space character ═══ PROCEDURE IsWhiteSpace (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; Module CharClass The function procedure IsWhiteSpace returns TRUE if ch is either a space character or a member of an implementation-defined set of characters that represent format effectors, and FALSE otherwise. ═══ 8.2. Modules LowReal and LowLong ═══ Two modules are provided to give access to the underlying properties of the types REAL and LONGREAL. The two modules share common concepts, functions and values, and hence both modules are considered together. The module LowReal gives access to the underlying properties of the type REAL, while LowLong gives access to the same properties for the type LONGREAL. For implementations that conform to ISO/IEC 10967-1:199x Information technology - Language independent arithmetic - Part1: Integer and floating point arithmetic, a more precise specification is given in that International Standard. If the implementation of the corresponding real number type conforms to ISO/IEC 10967-1:199x (LIA-1), procedure functions of a similar name correspond to the operations required by that International Standard.  Constants and Types -  exponent - Exponent value  fraction - Significand part  sign - Signum  succ - Next greater value  ulp - Unit in the last place  pred - Previous less value  intpart - Integral part  fractpart - Fractional part  scale - Scale  trunc - Truncate  round - Round  synthesize - Construct value  setMode - Set status flags  currentMode - Current status flags  IsLowException - Query exceptional state ═══ 8.2.1. Constants and Types - ═══ CONST radix = ; places = ; expoMin = ; expoMax = ; large = ; small = ; IEC559 = ; LIA1 = ; rounds = ; gUnderflow = ; exception = ; extend = ; nModes = ; TYPE Modes = PACKEDSET OF [0 .. nModes-1]; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The values denoted by the constant identifiers exported from LowReal and LowLong are the implementation-defined values specified below. If an implementation provides facilities for dynamically changing the properties of the real number types, the constant values refer to the default properties. The value of places, and the other facilities in these modules, refer only to the representation used to store values. NOTE: Some implementations may choose to compute expressions to greater precision than that used to store values. If the implementation of the corresponding real number type conforms to ISO/IEC 10967-1:199x (LIA-1), the following correspondences hold: NOTE: The value of the parameter fmax, required by ISO/IEC 10967-1:199x, is given by the predefined function MAX when applied to the corresponding real number type. radix The whole number value of the radix used to represent the corresponding real number values. places The whole number value of the number of radix places used to store values of the corresponding real number type. expoMin The whole number value of the exponent minimum. expoMax The whole number value of the exponent maximum. NOTE: An implementation may choose values such that expoMin = expoMax (which will presumably be the case for a fixed point representation). large The largest value of the corresponding real number type. NOTE: On some implementations this may be a machine representation of infinity. small The smallest positive value of the corresponding real number type, represented to maximal precision. NOTE: If an implementation has stored values strictly between 0.0 and small, then presumably the implementation supports gradual underflow. IEC559 A Boolean value that is true if and only if the implementation of the corresponding real number type conforms to IEC 559:1989 (IEEE 754:1987) in all regards. NOTES:  If IEC559 is true, the value of radix is 2.  If LowReal.IEC559 is true, the 32-bit format of IEC 559:1989 is used for the type REAL.  If LowLong.IEC559 is true, the 64-bit format of IEC 559:1989 is used for the type LONGREAL. LIA1 A Boolean value that is true if and only if the implementation of the corresponding real number type conforms to ISO/IEC 10967-1:199x (LIA-1) in all regards: parameters, arithmetic, exceptions, and notification. NOTE: For implementations not conforming to ISO/IEC 10967-1:199x, the corresponding properties are implementation-defined | see rounds A Boolean value that is true if and only if each operation produces a result that is one of the values of the corresponding real number type nearest to the mathematical result. NOTE: If rounds is true, and the mathematical result lies mid-way between two values of the corresponding real number type, then the selection from the two possible values is implementation-dependent. gUnderflow A Boolean value that is true if and only if there are values of the corresponding real number type between 0.0 and small. exception A Boolean value that is true if and only if every operation that attempts to produce a real value out of range raises an exception. extend A Boolean value that is true if and only if expressions of the corresponding real number type are computed to higher precision than the stored values. NOTE: If extend is true, then values greater than large can be computed in expressions, but cannot be stored in variables. nModes The whole number value giving the number of bit positions needed for the status flags for mode control. ═══ 8.2.2. exponent - Exponent value ═══ PROCEDURE exponent (x: REAL): INTEGER; PROCEDURE exponent (x: LONGREAL): INTEGER; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure exponent returns the exponent value of x that lies between expoMin and expoMax. An exception occurs and may be raised if x is equal to 0.0. ═══ 8.2.3. fraction - Significand part ═══ PROCEDURE fraction (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE fraction (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure fraction returns the significand (or significant) part of x. Hence the following relationship shall hold: x = scale(fraction(x), exponent(x)) ═══ 8.2.4. sign - Signum ═══ PROCEDURE sign (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE sign (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure sign returns 1.0 if x is greater than 0.0, -1.0 if x is less than 0.0, or either 1.0 or -1.0 if x is equal to 0.0. NOTE: The uncertainty about the handling of 0.0 is to allow for systems that distinguish between +0.0 and -0.0 (such as IEEE 754 systems). ═══ 8.2.5. succ - Next greater value ═══ PROCEDURE succ (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE succ (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure succ returns the next value of the corresponding real number type greater than x, if such a value exists; otherwise an exception occurs and may be raised. ═══ 8.2.6. ulp - Unit in the last place ═══ PROCEDURE ulp (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE ulp (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure ulp returns the value of the corresponding real number type equal to a unit in the last place of x, if such a value exists; otherwise an exception occurs and may be raised. NOTE: Thus, when the value exists, either ulp(x) = succ(x)-x or ulp(x) = x-pred(x) or both is true. ═══ 8.2.7. pred - Previous less value ═══ PROCEDURE pred (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE pred (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure pred returns the next value of the corresponding real number type less than x, if such a value exists; otherwise an exception occurs and may be raised. ═══ 8.2.8. intpart - Integral part ═══ PROCEDURE intpart (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE intpart (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure intpart returns the integral part of x. For negative values, this shall be -intpart(abs(x)). ═══ 8.2.9. fractpart - Fractional part ═══ PROCEDURE fractpart (x: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE fractpart (x: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure fractpart returns the fractional part of x. This satisfies the relationship fractpart(x)+intpart(x)=x. ═══ 8.2.10. scale - Scale ═══ PROCEDURE scale (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; PROCEDURE scale (x: LONGREAL; n: INTEGER): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure scale returns the value x * radix ** n if such a value exists; otherwise an exception occurs and may be raised. ═══ 8.2.11. trunc - Truncate ═══ PROCEDURE trunc (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; PROCEDURE trunc (x: LONGREAL; n: INTEGER): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure trunc returns the value of the most significant n places of x. An exception occurs and may be raised if n is less than or equal to zero. ═══ 8.2.12. round - Round ═══ PROCEDURE round (x: REAL; n: INTEGER): REAL; PROCEDURE round (x: LONGREAL; n: INTEGER): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure round returns the value of x rounded to the most significant n places. An exception occurs and may be raised if such a value does not exist, or if n is less than or equal to zero. ═══ 8.2.13. synthesize - Construct value ═══ PROCEDURE synthesize (expart: INTEGER; frapart: REAL): REAL; PROCEDURE synthesize (expart: INTEGER; frapart: LONGREAL): LONGREAL; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure synthesize returns a value of the corresponding real number type constructed from the values of expart and frapart. This value shall satisfy the relationship: synthesize(exponent(x),fraction(x))=x ═══ 8.2.14. setMode - Set status flags ═══ PROCEDURE setMode (m: Modes); PROCEDURE setMode (m: Modes); Modules: LowReal, LowLong The procudure setMode sets status flags from the value of m, appropriate to the underlying implementation of the corresponding real number type. NOTES:  Many implementations of floating point provide options for setting status flags within the system which control details of the handling of the type. Although two procedures are provided, one for each real number type, the effect may be the same. Typical effects that can be obtained by this means are: - Ensuring that overflow will raise an exception; - Allowing underflow to raise an exception; - Controlling the rounding; - Allowing special values to be produced (e.g. NaNs in implementations conforming to IEC 559:1989 (IEEE 754:1987)); - Ensuring that special value access will raise an exception; Since these effects are so varied, the values of type Modes that may be used are not specified by this International Standard.  The effect of setMode on operations on values of the corresponding real number type in coroutines other than the calling coroutine is not defined. Implementations are not required to preserve the status flags (if any) with the coroutine state. ═══ 8.2.15. currentMode - Current status flags ═══ PROCEDURE currentMode (): Modes; PROCEDURE currentMode (): Modes; Modules: LowReal, LowLong The function procedure currentMode returns the current status flags (in the form set by setMode), or the default status flags (if setMode is not used). NOTE: The returned value is not necessarily the value set by setMode, since a call of setMode might attempt to set flags that cannot be set by the program. ═══ 8.2.16. IsLowException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsLowException (): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE IsLowException (): BOOLEAN; Modules: LowReal, LowLong If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the LowReal exception, the function procedure LowReal.IsLowException returns TRUE; otherwise is returns FALSE. If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of the LowLong exception, the function procedure LowLong.IsLowException returns TRUE; otherwise is returns FALSE. ═══ 8.3. Module Storage ═══ The module Storage provides facilities for dynamically allocating and deallocating storage for variables that are not declared in variable declarations. Variables with storage allocated in this way are designated by dereferenced variable designators. The facilities are often invoked by using the predefined procedures NEW and DISPOSE. The facilities can also be used to allocate storage to be used as coroutine workspace. The semantics are described in terms of allocating storage for a variable since the allocator must take account of any address alignment requirements for the storage of variables of the given size. CLARIFICATIONS  Programming in Modula-2 adopts two approaches to handling situations where it is not possible to allocate sufficient storage; the procedure Allocate of Chapter 25 assigns NIL to the first parameter, whereas the procedure ALLOCATE of Appendix 2 causes the program to terminate. The International Standard requires the procedure ALLOCATE to assign the value NIL to its first parameter in this situation.  Although the first parameter of the procedure DEALLOCATE given in Appendix 2 of Programming in Modula-2 is a variable parameter, it is not stated whether DEALLOCATE assigns a value to its parameter. The International Standard requires the procedure DEALLOCATE to assign the value NIL to its parameter.  StorageExceptions - Storage exceptions identities  ALLOCATE - Allocate storage  DEALLOCATE - Deallocate storage  IsStorageException - Query exceptional state  StorageException - Query exception id ═══ 8.3.1. StorageExceptions - Storage exceptions identities ═══ TYPE StorageExceptions = ( nilDeallocation, (* first argument to DEALLOCATE is NIL *) pointerToUnallocatedStorage, (* storage to deallocate not allocated by ALLOCATE *) wrongStorageToUnallocate (* amount to deallocate is not amount allocated *) ); Module Storage The exceptions raised by Storage are identified by the values of the enumeration type StorageExceptions. The detection of the exception wrongStorageToUnallocate is implementation-defined. ═══ 8.3.2. ALLOCATE - Allocate storage ═══ PROCEDURE ALLOCATE (VAR addr: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; amount: CARDINAL); Module Storage The procedure ALLOCATE allocates storage for a variable of size amount, and assigns the address of this variable to addr. The allocated locations will not be in use for the storage of any other variable. If it is not possible to allocate this storage, the value NIL is assigned to addr. NOTES: 1. If an address passed back by a call of ALLOCATE is assigned to a pointer variable vp that is to be dereferenced to designate a variable of type T, the value for the second parameter to ALLOCATE may be obtained from evaluation of the expression SIZE(T). An equivalent effect may be obtained as NEW(vp). 2. If an address passed back by a call of ALLOCATE is to be given directly as the workspace address in a call of COROUTINES.NEWCOROUTINE, the value for the second parameter to ALLOCATE is the size of workspace required. ═══ 8.3.3. DEALLOCATE - Deallocate storage ═══ PROCEDURE DEALLOCATE (VAR addr: SYSTEM.ADDRESS; amount: CARDINAL); Module Storage The procedure DEALLOCATE deallocates amount locations for the storage of the variable addressed by addr and assigns the value NIL to addr. The exception nilDeallocation is raised if the given value of addr is the nil value. The exception pointerToUnallocatedStorage is raised if the given value of addr is not the address of a variable whose storage has been allocated by ALLOCATE. The exception wrongStorageToUnallocate occurs and may be raised if amount is not equal to the number of locations allocated for the storage of the variable addressed by addr. NOTES: 1. If an address passed to a call of DEALLOCATE is the value of a pointer variable vp that is dereferenced to designate a variable of type T, the value for the second parameter to DEALLOCATE may be obtained from evaluation of the expression SIZE(T). An equivalent effect may be obtained as DISPOSE(vp). 2. The variable whose storage is deallocated no longer exists and hence an exception occurs, which may be raised, if there is a subsequent attempt to access the variable through a dereferenced designator. 3. This International Standard gives no meaning for a program that deallocates dynamic storage given as workspace in a call of COROUTINES.NEWCOROUTINE since the use made of coroutine workspace is implementation-dependent. 4. It need not be the case that storage locations deallocated by a call of DEALLOCATE are available for re-use by a subsequent call of ALLOCATE. ═══ 8.3.4. IsStorageException - Query exceptional state ═══ PROCEDURE IsStorageException (): BOOLEAN; Module Storage If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of a Storage exception, the function procedure IsStorageException returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. ═══ 8.3.5. StorageException - Query exception id ═══ PROCEDURE StorageException (): StorageExceptions; Module Storage If the calling coroutine is in the state of exceptional execution because of the raising of a Storage exception, the function procedure StorageException returns the value that identifies the raised exception; otherwise the language exception exException is raised. ═══ 8.4. Module SysClock ═══ The module SysClock provides facilities for accessing a system clock that records the date and time of day. NOTES:  No provision is made for leap seconds.  `UTC' is `Universal Coordinated Time'. This is the correct international designation for what was once called `GMT' (Greenwich Mean Time).  The field summerTimeFlag is present for information only. UTC can always be obtained by subtracting the UTCDiff value from the time data, regardless of the value of the summerTimeFlag. However, its presence does allow a program to know whether or not the date and time data represents standard time for that location, or `summer time'. A program could therefore be written to change the system clock to summer time automatically on a certain date, provided it had not already been changed.  The Constants and Types of SysClock  CanGetClock - Query system clock read permission  CanSetClock - Query system clock write permission  IsValidDateTime - Verify date and time  GetClock - Determine current date and time  SetClock - Set current date and time ═══ 8.4.1. The Constants and Types of SysClock ═══ CONST maxSecondParts = ; TYPE Month = [1 .. 12]; Day = [1 .. 31]; Hour = [0 .. 23]; Min = [0 .. 59]; Sec = [0 .. 59]; Fraction = [0 .. maxSecondParts]; UTCDiff = [-780 .. 720]; DateTime = RECORD year: CARDINAL; month: Month; day: Day; hour: Hour; minute: Min; second: Sec; fractions: Fraction; (* parts of a second *) zone: UTCDiff; (* Time zone differential factor which is the number of minutes to add to local time to obtain UTC. *) summerTimeFlag: BOOLEAN; (* Interpretation of flag depends on local usage. *) END; ═══ 8.4.2. CanGetClock - Query system clock read permission ═══ PROCEDURE CanGetClock (): BOOLEAN; Module SysClock The function procedure CanGetClock returns an implementation-defined BOOLEAN value. If the value TRUE is returned, there is a system clock which the program is permitted to read. ═══ 8.4.3. CanSetClock - Query system clock write permission ═══ PROCEDURE CanSetClock (): BOOLEAN; Module SysClock The function procedure CanSetClock() returns an implementation-defined BOOLEAN value. If the value TRUE is returned, there is a system clock which the program is permitted to set. ═══ 8.4.4. IsValidDateTime - Verify date and time ═══ PROCEDURE IsValidDateTime (userData: DateTime): BOOLEAN; Module SysClock The function procedure IsValidDateTime returns TRUE if the value of userData represents a valid date and time, and is FALSE otherwise. NOTE: Only the date components of userData need to be validated since all combinations of values of the time components are known to be valid. ═══ 8.4.5. GetClock - Determine current date and time ═══ PROCEDURE GetClock (VAR userData: DateTime); Module SysClock The function procedure GetClock assigns values for each field of the variable userData for which information is available. Each of the remaining fields of userData are set to zero, where this is a valid value, and otherwise are set to the lower bound of the range of allowed values. ═══ 8.4.6. SetClock - Set current date and time ═══ PROCEDURE SetClock (userData: DateTime); Module SysClock The function procedure SetClock sets the system clock to the date and time specified by userData, provided that the program may set the system clock, and that the value of userData represents a valid date and time. If the program cannot set the system clock, a call of SetClock have no effect. NOTE: The effect of a call of SetClock is implementation-dependent if it is permitted to set the system clock, but an invalid date and time is given.